Mark scheme
Section A
Answer Mark
1 (a) A (1)
Answer Mark
1 (b) C (1)
Answer Mark
1 (c) Award 1 mark for identification of an impact, plus 2 further marks for explaining this
impact up to a total of 3 marks.
Productivity can be increased (1) as technology can speed up the production
process (1) therefore reducing the unit cost of making an item (1).
Quality can be improved (1) because technology can ensure all products are made
to the same standard with no mistakes (1) which means increased customer
satisfaction (1).
Accept any other appropriate response. Answers that list more than one impact
with no explanation will be awarded a maximum of 1 mark.
AO1a = 1
AO1b = 2
Answer Mark
Edexcel GCSE Business Mark Scheme Paper 2a Page 3
1 (d) Award 1 mark for identification of an impact, plus 2 further marks for explaining this
impact up to a total of 3 marks.
It may result in a business changing the raw materials used in the production of
its products (1) as pressure groups may have identified they cause environmental
damage (1) which could lead to the business experiencing a rise in product design
costs (1).
The business may change its promotion, for example a TV advertisement (1),
because it is seen as offensive to specific groups of consumers (1). This would lead
to a significant increase in the business’s costs (1).
Accept any other appropriate response. Answers that list more than one impact
with no explanation will be awarded a maximum of 1 mark.
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