1. A nurse is caring for a client undergoing an oxytocin-stimulated contraction test. The nursenotes three
contractions in 10 min with late decelerations occurring with two of the contractions. Which of thefollowing
findings shouldthe nursereport tothe provider
a. Reactive
b. Nonreactive
c. Positive- Indicates anadversereactionbythe fetus andshouldbe reported totheprovider
d. Negative
2. A nurseis providing familyplanningeducationtoaclient whohas decidedtouseadiaphragm.
Whichof the followingshouldthe nurseinclude in the planof care?
a. Youshouldreplacethediaphragm every 3 years
b. Youshouldleave thediaphragm inplaceforat least 6 hoursafter intercourse
c. Youshoulduseanoilbasedproduct asalubricant wheninsertingthediaphragm
d. Youshouldinserthediaphragm when yourbladder is full
3. A nurseisproviding dischargeteaching toaclient whois postpartum about resumingsexualactivity. Whichof the
following instructions shouldthe nurseinclude in theteaching?
a. Youshouldusea watersolublegel for lubrication-This willprevent discomfort
b. Youcanresumesexualactivityin10 days
c. Yourphysicalreactiontosexualstimulationillnotbealtered
d. You willnot ovulatefor 3 monthsafterdelivery
4. A nurseisadmitting aclient who is in labor. The clientadmits torecentcocaine use. Forwhichof the following
complications shouldthe nurseassess?
a. Abruptioplacenta- Cocaines increases therisk for vasoconstrictionand possibleabruptionplacenta
b. Placentaprevia
c. Preeclampsia
d. Maternalbradycardia
5. A nurseisproviding dietaryteaching withaclient whohashyperemesis gravidarum. Whichof the following
statements by the client indicates anunderstanding of theteaching?
a. Ishouldeat totasteinsteadof tryingtobalance my meals-Eat totaste toavoidnausea
b. I will avoid having asnackat bedtime
c. I will have 8 oz ofhot tea witheach meal
d. Ishouldpair mysweets withastarch insteadofeatingthem alone
6. A nurseiscaring for aclient whois inactive labor and reports backpain. The nurseperformsa vaginal exam and
determines the client is 8cm dilated, 100?faced, and -2 station. The fetus is in the occiput posterior position. Which
of the following is an appropriate intervention?
a. Perform effleurage duringcontractions
b. Placetheclient inlithotomyposition
c. Assist theclient tothe hands andknees position- Helps relieve backpainand helpthefetus rotate
d. Applyafetalscalp electrode
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