1) Ancathosis Nigricans
Correct Answer - a skin condition characterized by dark, thick, velvetyskin in
armpits, groin, or neck; checking for lice and notice dark patch
2) Anthrax
Correct Answer - bacterial infection from coming in contact with spores from
infectedanimals or animal products think of sheep and animal hides; multiple
routes forinfection; treated with Cipro
3) Prioritizing home care: a) COPD pt with SOB b) pt who refuses to eat ordrink
c) pt with CHF who has gained 3 lbs
Correct Answer - pt who has CHF and gained 3 lbs
4) Battering communication
Correct Answer - have the child leave the room and question thewoman about
the abuse since it does not pertain to the child being abused
5) Breast Cancer Risks
Correct Answer - age 55+; direct family member; personal history; white;
overweight; nulliparity; pregnant after 30; smoking; HRT; menstrual before 12 or
menopause after 55
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