1. Which piece of equipment does the nurse use to assess the fetal heartbeat?:
Electronic Doppler
2. A pregnant woman reports to the clinic complaining of loss of appetite,
weight loss, and fatigue, and tuberculosis is suspected. A sputum culture
reveals Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The nurse, providing instructions to the
mother regarding therapeutic management of the disease, tells the mother
The mother may need to take isoniazid (INH), pyrazinamide, and rifampin
(Rifadin) for a total of 9 months
3. A nurse assists a pregnant client who is in the second trimester into
lithotomy position on the examining table in the obstetrician's office. The
client suddenly becomes dizzy, lightheaded, nauseated, and pale. The nurse
Positions the client on her side
4. A nurse is monitoring a client who was given an epidural opioid for a
cesarean birth. The nurse notes that the client's oxygen saturation on pulse
oximetry is 92%. The nurse first::
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