AACN ECG Monitoring Systems
1. Artifact is repeatedly appearing on your patient's ECG monitor when the patient is
ambulatory. You check the electrodes you just applied and they allseem to be placed properly
with good contact. What might be an option to prevent further artifacts?: Taping lead wires 3-
4 inches (7-10 cm) away from theelectrode
2. Put these in order:
(1) Place the electrode in good contact with the skin.
(2) Wash the site with soap and water, then dry it.
(3) Attach the lead wire to the electrode.
(4) Gently abrade the skin.
(5) Remove electrode backing, making sure center of electrode is moist.
(6) Use clippersto remove hair, if it is excessive: (2)Wash the site with soap andwater, then dry
(6) Use clippers to remove hair, if it is excessive
(4) Gently abrade the skin.
(3) Attach the lead wire to the electrode.
(5) Remove electrode backing, making sure center of electrode is moist.
(1) Place the electrode in good contact with the skin.
3. If you are concerned about atrial dysrhythmias, which one of the followingleads do you
want displayed.: Lead I.
4. When a patient's ECG activity is captured by a battery-powered box and wirelessly
transmitted to display in a centralized location (eg, nurses'station),this is called .:
Telemetry monitoring
5. Leads I, II, and III are all examples of .: Bipolar limb leads
6. Leads V1-V6 are all examples of .: Unipolar chest leads
7. Lead 1: LA (Left arm) and RA (Right arm)
8. Lead V1: Position 3 (Right Sternum)
9. How often should you replace the electrodes?: When needed, if loose, wet,or triggering
false alarms or artifacts.
Follow the manufacturer's guidelines.Daily or per unit protocol.
10. If you are concerned about ventricular dysrhythmias, which one of thefollowing leads do
you want displayed?: V1
11. The monitoring unit for your patient has been malfunctioning. You deter- mine the
problem is the connectivity between the lead wires and the bedsidemonitor.Your patient's ECG
activity is being monitored via
.: Hard-wire Monitoring
12. Lead II.: RA (Right Arm) and LL (Left Lower)
13. Lead V3: Position 5 (Between Sternum and Midclavicular)
14. Lead III.: LA (left arm) and LL (left leg)
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