AACN ECG Telemetry
1. number of seconds of 1 small box: .04
2. number of seconds of 1 large box: .20
3. tic mark every seconds: 3
4. QRS complex: 0.06-0.10
5. QT interval: 0.30-0.44
6. subsequent upward: R prime
7. 5 things to look at for every ECG: P waves, PR interval, QRS duration, rate,regularity
8. what is the HR if a QRS wave is boxes from another QRS wave for1 box?
2 boxes?
3 boxes?
4 boxes?
5 boxes?
6 boxes?: 300, 150, 100, 75, 60, 50
9. how many little boxes per big box?: 5
10. if a P wave is present, that means....:sinus or atrial pacemaker
11. if a P wave is absent that means....: junctional or ventricular pacemaker
12. if the P wave is normal, same axis as QRS it means...: sinus or atrial
13. if the P wave is not normal,different axis as QRS it means...: retrograde fromAV or
14. if all P waves are alike that means..: 1 pacemaker
15. if the P waves are not alike that means...: multiple automaticity foci
16. it there is a P wave before each QRS that means...: sinus or atrial pacemaker
17. if there is not a P wave before each QRS that menas...: junctional or ventric-ular
18. if ther is a QRS after each P wave that means....: no AV dissociation (no 2ndor 3rd degree
AV block)
19. if there is not a QRS after each P wave that means....: AV dissociation (2ndor 3rd degree
AV block)
20. if the PR interval is normal, that means....: no AV block
21. if the PR interval is consistently increased....: 1st degree AV block
22. if the PR interval progressively increases, that means....: 2nd degree AVblock type I
23. if the PR interval is totally variable that means...: 3rd degree AV block
24. if the QRS is narrow, ( < .12 sec) that means: supraventricular origin
25. if the QRS is > .12 second that means: ventricular
26. if the QT is > .4 seconds this will lead to....: torsade de pointes
27. HR (increases/decreases) with inspiration and (increases/decreases) withexpiration for
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