What is normal range for troponin I? When are elevated levels first detectable after myocardial
injury and what is expected duration of the elevated levels?
- CORRECT ANSWER Less than 0.03, three hours, 7 to 10 days
What is normal range for myoglobin? When are elevated levels first detectable after myocardial
injury and what is expected duration of the elevated levels?
- CORRECT ANSWER Less than 90 mcg/L, two hours, 24 hours
While an echocardiogram is being performed what side should the patient lie on?
- CORRECTANSWER Left side and remain still
What are indications for an echocardiogram –
CORRECT ANSWER CardiomyopathyHeart failure
Myocardial infarction
What are indications for stress test -
What are two medications that are prescribed for pharmacological stress test - CORRECT
ANSWER Dobutamine
What do you instruct the patient to do 2 to 4 hours before a stress test - CORRECT ANSWER
Avoid tobacco, alcohol and caffeine
Hemodynamic monitoring involves special indwelling catheters that provide information about
blood volume and perfusion, fluid status and how well the heart is pumping. Arterial lines are
placed in the radial (most common), brachial or femoral artery. What should you Monitor for? -
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