AHIT Final Exam Study Questions and
Answers Graded A 2025/2026 With Complete
Verified Solutions
When should the home inspector not remove the cover (dead-front) to the main panel? -
if the inspector gets a shock upon touching it
What is a subpanel? - a panel that adds more circuits to the service
When inspecting the fuses or breakers, the home inspector should _____. - compare
amperage rating of fuse or breaker to connected branch wiring
Where is the home inspector likely to find aluminum branch circuit wiring? - in homes
built during the mid-1960s to mid-1970s
***Electrical receptacles should be present _____.*** - every 12' along interior walls
According to most standards, the home inspector is required to _____. - operate all
***What is a split receptacle?*** - one that has a complete circuit for each half of the
How do the standards describe the inspection of a home's electrical system? - as a
visual inspection
What is resistance? - opposition of a material to the flow of electricity
What is the measure for electromotive force? - volts
***What is the most highly recommended method of repairing aluminum branch circuit
wiring?*** - using COPALUM crimp connectors to bond copper to the aluminum wiring
at every connection and splice
What wire gauge should the service conductors be for a 100-amp electrical service? -
#4 copper or #2 aluminum
What can be the cause of driveway upheaval? - tree roots
Which of the following should be reported as a safety hazard? - balusters too far apart
Why should sources of ignition be raised 18" off the floor? - it keeps the ignition sources
away from gasoline vapors
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