Culture-bound syndrome
- ANSWER illness truly bound to specific culture; refer to otherwise common mental or physical
illnesses that are subsequently construed as unusual because of pathoplastic influence of clture (e.g,
hallucinatory sx of schizophrenia could be due to demon possession)
pharmacological therapy and psychotherapy
- ANSWER two key mental health treatment paradigms of Western medicine (multimodal therapy)
racism and discrimination
- ANSWER refer to attitudes, beliefs, and practices that prejudge and denigrate individuals or gs based
on disparate phenotypic characteristics (skin color, hair texture, facial features, etc) or ethnic minority
group affiliation
What is the trend for cultural diversity in the US?
- ANSWER increasing rapidly and steadily; by 2025, 40?ults (48% children) will be from ethnic and
racial minority gps.
- ANSWER the viral agent that causes AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), which is the final
stage in the HIV disease process; most prevalent in men having sex with men and IV drug users;
contributes to poverty, homelessness, an other medical problems
- ANSWER percent increase in the number of seniors needing substance abuse treatment. 70% rate of
increase in treatment
Limits to confidentiality
- ANSWER 1. Client request for release of information
2. Court orders for release of information
3. Danger to self
4. Danger to others
5. Suspected Child abuse/neglect cause by a client
6. Grave disability
CAGE questionnaire
- ANSWER Have you ever felt you should CUT DOWN on your drinking?
Have people ANNOYED you by criticizing your drinking?
Have you ever felt bad or GUILTY about your drinking?
Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves (EYE-OPENER)?
- 4-question on alcohol abuse
- ANSWER Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test - yes or no to 25 questions to explore number of
treatment issues; most accurate and oldest screening tool to identify drinkers with 98?curacy
What is another cultural issues beyond the client's culture?
- ANSWER counselor's culture
Relapse-remitting model of addiction
- ANSWER recognizes that some issues tend to return cyclically overtime, can help counselor and CLT
make advance contingency plans to avoid having brief relapse in negative circumstances or behaviors
Authentically connected referral network
- ANSWER refers to a carefully established set of services providers prepared to meet client needs;
goal is for all network agencies an providers to recognize their valued and essential roles in the addiction
treatment process and for clients to recognize this and respond with similar trust and confidence.
What is the primary aim of case management services, beyond providing seamless care and being clientcentered?
- ANSWER to provide least restrictive level of care
Ask-teLl-ask technique
- ANSWER asking permission of the client to talk with them, telling them of any concerns you have, and
then asking for their thoughts on what you shared.
Referral form
- ANSWER used to track the results of the referral; WHO (identifies the client and counselor
involved/demographic info; substance use, legal issues, family concerns) WHAT (issues that generated
the need for the referral, substance/work, family, and goals and commitments) HOW (address how CLT
was engaged and dealt with)
When should planning for aftercare be engaged
- ANSWER at the point of initial counselor-client contact
What should be the focus of treatment mostly?
- ANSWER positive education and skills in substance abuse triggers, patterns of use, and relapse
substance issues, recovery, health issues, co-occurring disorders; holistic treatment planning an
interventions are essential in recovery process
Bookend term in substance abuse treatment means..
- ANSWER discussing a trigger event with someone trusted before and after it occurs
Trigger events
- ANSWER often crisis stressors or situations
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