Multiple Choices
Question 1
An elderly client wi a fractured left hip is on strict bedrest. Which nursing measure is essentialto the
client's nursi g care
A. Massage any r dd ned reas for at least e minutes.
B. Encourage act ve r nge of motion xercises on ext mities.
C. Position the client laterally, prone, and dorsally in seq ce.
D. Gently lift the client when movi g into a desired position - To void shearing forces when repositioning, the
clien sho be lifte gently across a surf ce Redd ed areas should not be
massaged (A) since th s m increase the damage to al eady trau atized skin. To control painand
muscle spasms, acti e r nge of mo on (B) m y be li e he affected leg. The position
described in (C) is contrain icated for ent with a fractured left hip.
Correct Answer: D
The nurse is administering medications through a nasogastric tube (NGT) which is connectedto suction.
After ensuring correct tube placement, what action should the nurse take next?
A. Clamp the tube for 20 minutes.
B. Flush the tube with water.
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