AMC MCQ Canada Bank Exam Review Update 2025/2026
Characteristic signs of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis - ANS-1)Projectile non-bilious
2) Hyperchloremic alkalosis
3) Good appetite
SSRIs mechanism - ANS-5-HT (serotonin) reuptake inhibitors mechanism
SSRIs clinical use - ANS-1st line for depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic
disorder, OCD, bulimia, social phobia, PTSD
SSRI side effects - ANS-Sexual dysfunction, SIADH side effects
SNRIs drug names - ANS-Venlafaxine, duloxetine class
SNRI mechanism - ANS-Inhibit 5-HT and norepi reuptake mechanism
SNRI clinical use - ANS-1st line for Generalized Anxiety, Panic Disorder, PTSD. 2nd
line for depression.
SNRI side-effects - ANS-Increased BP, Stimulant Effects as side effects
TCA drug names - ANS--tripyline suffix, -pramine suffix, Doxepin, Amoxapine
TCA mechanism - ANS-Inhibit 5-HT and norepi reuptake, also block α1 receptors and
acetylcholine receptors.
TCA clinical use - ANS-Depression refractory to 1st line treatment, OCD, peripheral
neuropathy, chronic pain, migraine prophylaxis treatment
TCA side effects - ANS-Sedation, Postural hypotension (due to α1 block); Tachycardia,
Urinary retention, Dry mouth (due to muscarinic block), 3 Cs - Convulsions, Coma,
Cardiotox (arrhythmias due to ↑QT interval - give NaHCO3 to prevent) as a side effect
MAOi drug names - ANS-Tranylcypromine, Phenelzine, Isocarboxasid, Selegiline class
MAO mechanism - ANS-Inhibits MAO, which ↑ norepi, dopamine, 5HT
MAO clinical use - ANS-Refractory atypical depression treatment
MAO side-effect - ANS-Hypertensive crisis with ingestion of tyramine in wine + cheese,
CNS overstimulation as a side effect
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