AMC MCQ Mplus Questions 2025/2026 Update Test Review Anti-thrombin deficiency - associated with the highest risk of VTE Time for reperfusion therapy (PCI or thrombolytic) - within the first 12 hours of symptoms onset (ideal golden hour 60 minutes) Volkmann contracture (five Ps: pain, pallor, pulsness, parastesia and paralysis) - Earliest complication of Colles fracture 2 vaccines for HIV shouldn't have - BCG, Yellow fever HIV PEP 1 st line - Truvada and Raltegravir HIV PIP time frame - Up to 72 post-exposure URTI+cervical lymphadenopathy - Infectious mononucleosis until proven otherwise Human herpes virus 4 (HH4)/EBV - Infectious mononucleosis pathogen Human herpes virus 8 (HH8) - Kaposi sarcoma pathogen CD4 counts 1500-700 in AIDS - No infection in AIDS (CD4 counts) CD4 counts 500-200 in AIDS - Hairy leucoplakia and thrush herpes in AIDS (CD4 counts) CD4 counts 200-100 in AIDS - P.jiroveci in AIDS (CD4) CD4 counts <50 in AIDS - Leucoencephalitis CMV (CD4) Painful single ulcer+painful LNS - Chancroid (Hemophilius Ducrei - you do cry with Ducrei) Painful single ulcer+painless LNS - Chancre (Syphilis) T >38.5+neutrophils <0.5 *10^9 - Neutropenic sepsis (most common - chemotherapy, then, BM transplantant or Hodgkin lymphoma) 1st line Piperacillin+Tazobactam (Tazocin) then Meropenem+/-vancomycin then IV antifungal - Neutropenic sepsis treatment Active TB+non-productive cough investigation - Bronchoalveolar lavage bronchoscopoy/Gastric lavage
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