Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function (Chapter 9: Joints) Questions And Answers A+
Joint (articulation) - ANS-Any point where two bones meet, whether or not the bones are movable at
that interface
Arthrology - ANS-The science of joint structure, function and dysfunction
Kinesiology - ANS-The study of musculoskeletal movement
Biomechanics - ANS-Deals with a broad variety of movements and mechanical processes in the body,
including the physics of blood circulation, respiration and hearing
Bony Joint (synostosis) - ANS-Immovable joint formed when the gap between two bones ossifies and
they become a single bone fused by osseous tissue. Includes frontal bone, mandible and epiphyseal
Fibrous Joint (synarthrosis or synarthrodial joint) - ANS-Point at which two adjacent bones are bound by
collagen fibers that emerge from one bone, cross the space between them, and penetrate into the other
with variable degrees of mobility. Includes skull sutures, tooth sockets and interosseous membrane in
the radius and ulna
Cartilaginous (Amphiarthrosis or amphiarthrodial) Joint - ANS-Two bones joined by cartilage that allows
for little motion but retains a significant amount of stability. Includes pubic symphysis and intervertebral
disc. (Syndochondrosis if hyaline; symphysis if fibrocartilage)
Synovial (diarthrodial) Joint (diarthrosis) - ANS-A joint in which the opposing bone surfaces are covered
with hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage and there is some degree of free movement and are separated by
a space filled with synovial fluid. Includes shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and knuckles
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