• What type of dose response relationship is characterized by an earlyresponse to a highdose exposure?: Deterministic (nonstochastic)
• What type of dose-response relationship is characterized by a late response to a low-dose
exposure?: Stochastic (probabilistic)
• What is described as a measure of the rate at which energy is transferredfrom ionizing
radiation to soft tissue?: LET (linear energy transfer)
• What are two examples of radiation-induced conditions that follow a linearnonthreshold
dose-response relationship?: Genetic effects, radiation induced cancer, leukemia
• Skin effects that result from fluoroscopic exposure follow what type ofdose-response
relationship?: Nonlinear (sigmoid), threshold dose response
• What type of effects are described as "those biologic somatic effects ofionizing radiation
that exhibit a threshold dose below which the effect doesnot normally occur and above which
the severity of the biologic damage increases"?: Nonstochastic (deterministic) effects
• What is the cellular component having the greatest radiobiological significance?: DNA
• What effect does the presence of oxygen have on radiosensitvity?: oxygenincreases
• Which of the following ionizing radiations has the highest LET?
1. alpha
2. beta
3. gamma: 1. alpha
• What isthe term used to describe the human sequence of eventsfollowinghigh-level
radiation exposure, and leading to death in a short time?: Acute radiation syndrome
• List the three major types of acute radiation syndrome: hematological,gastrointestinal,
and CNS (central nervous system)
• Which of the three types of acute radiation syndrome requires the leastamount of ionizing
radiation dose to occur?: Hematological
• Weighting factor for gamma rays: 1
• weighting factor for x-rays: 1
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