3 pairs of hooklets in an ovum
Hymenolepis Diminuta
Which is the agent of hand, foot and mouth disease of humans?
Coxsackie A.
Detection of antigen in urine specimen can be used for which of the following type of
pneumonia infection
a. Fusobacterium
B. Y. Pestis
C. Legionella
D. Mycobacterium TB.
Antler hyphae found in ...
Microsporum Audouinii
What grows on chocolate agar
Haemophilus spp.
*requires X and V factor
It could grow around colonies of with Staph. Aureus forming Satellitism as Staph.
Aureus (in addition Neisseria and Pneumococcus) releases Hemin and NAD AKA
factor 10 and Factor 5
Double zone of hemolysis and beta lactamase
Clostridium Perfringens
Which increases first after an MI
Which of the following parasite cause autoinfection in immunocompromised
Strongyloides Stercoralis
Which of the following causes antibody against TSH?
Graves Disease = TSHR antibody
increase T3 and T4
decrease TSH
Which of the following causes antibody against Thyroglubulin and Thyroid cells?
Hashimotos = Anti-thyroglobulin
decrease T3 and T4
increase TSH
What RBC inclusion can be seen on blood smear of a child who accidentally
ingested moth balls?
Heinz Bodies
Which of the following causes decrease HbA1c?
Sickel cell or any chronic Hemolytic Anemia
Which of the following cells releases histamine/heparin?
Eosinophil and Basophil
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