Terms in this set (106)
Always correct You've answered all of these correctly!
+1 Home safety:
Teaching an older
adult client about
home safety
-remove items that could cause
the client to trip (rugs, cords,
-place electrical/extension cords
7/9/2019 ATI fundamentals, ATI RN Fundamentals Proctored Focus Flashcards | Quizlet
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against a wall behind furniture
-monitor gait/balance, provide
aids PRN
-make sure steps/sidewalks are in
good condition
-grab bars near toilet, tub,
-stool riser, toilet cushion
-nonskid bath mats/shower mats
-shower chair or bedside
commode PRN
-ensure adequate lighting
-water heater 120
-no smoking if on oxygen, cotton
stuff only, no heating oil or nail
polish remover
-cook meat and fish fully, handle
+1 Safe Medication
Administration &
Error Reduction:
Actions Following
a Medication Error
-assess client
-inform charge nurse
-complete incident report
Normal level for
4,500 - 11,000
Normal lab values
for Hbg male
13.5-17.5 g/dL
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