The true pelvis isthe bony canal through which the fetus must pass
• The true pelvisis divided into three sections: inlet, pelvic cavity and outlet
• There are four types of pelvis: gynecoid (most common), android, anthropoid and
o The gynecoid and the anthropoid are both favorable for vaginal birth
o The android and platypelloid are not favorable for vaginal birth
2. Fetus
• In the fetal head the parietal, frontal and occipital bones are not fused together, so the head can adjust to the narrow portions of the pelvis
• Molding– when the cranial bones overlap under pressure of the powers of labor and the demands of the pelvis
• The sutures in the skull allow for molding of the fetal head and help the clinician to identify the position of the fetal
head during vaginal exams
o NI: explain to mom that open sutures are good b/c they allow for the baby to accommodate for birth; let
them know that the head will go back to normal shape
• Fontanelles—are useful (along with the sutures) in identifying the position of the fetal head in the pelvis and
assessing the status of the newborn after birth
o Anterior fontanelle – measures 2 cm by 3 cm and permitsthe growth of the brain by remaining like that
for 18 months
o Posterior fontanelle –smaller, closes within 8-12 weeks after birth
o Fontanelles should be FLAT (normal finding)
▪ Abnormal: buldging (hematoma, fluid), orsunken (dehydration)
• Fetal attitude—refersto the relation of the fetal partsto one another
o Normal attitude of the fetus: is one moderate
flexion of the head, flexion of the arms onto the
chest and flexion of the legs into the abdomen
• Fetal lie – refersto the relationship of the spinal column of the
fetus to the spinal cord or the woman
o Vertical—the ideal position for birth
o Transverse =NOT GOOD
• Fetal presentation– the way the fetus entersthe pelvic area
which can be cephalic, breech orshoulder(head, buttocks,shoulder, foot)
o Cephalic—occurslabor and delivery are likely to proceed normally
o Vertex presentation: most favorable for vaginal births
o Other presentations: military, brow, face, and the different
Malpresentations—confirmed with ultrasound before
labor starts or Leopold’s Maneuver
Breech and shoulder are associated with more difficultiesin
labor (known as malpresentations)
• Breech presentation – birth in which the butt or feet
are first out, the sacrum isthe landmark to be noted;
buttocks, shoulder and foot come out first!
o Frank Breech: legs are extended upward
o Footling Breech: watch for the cord! Don’t
want the cord to prolapsed
NI: preventthe cord fromgetting compressed! Do
not put back in.
o Complete Breech
o Transverse/Shoulder Lie
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