• Alert:responsive, answer questions appropriately, opens eyesspontaneously.
• Lethargic: open their eyes, can answer questions but easily falls asleep.
• Stupor: barely respondsto painful stimuli (like rubbing the patients’sternum)
• Comatose: unconscious/does not respond to painful stimuli
• Decorticate: flexion/internal rotation of upper extremities, joints and legs
• Decerebrate: neck/elbows extension, wrist and finger flexion
Torts: unintentional torts- negligence: forgetting to setthe bed alarm for a patient who is at risk for
falling and falls out of bed.
Malpractice- giving the wrong medication to the patient, error that harms the patient.
Intentional torts:
Assault vs Battery:
• Assault is if you threaten someone, “If you do not take this pill, I will smack you.”
• Battery: when you actually hurtsomeone, “You actually act by smacking the patient.”
• False imprisonment: Nurse will purposely restrain the patient or give them a chemical to a pt.
for the nurse convenience, instead of doing alternatives techniques.
Six Ethical Principles
• Beneficence – Doing good by the patient, what is best for the patient. Making the patient feel
safe in the environment that their in.
• Autonomy- respecting their rights by what they decide for their health care. Clients making
decisions but the patient must accept consequences of those decisions.
• *Veracity- truthfulness “Being honest with the patient’s treatment”
• Justice- fair/equal rightsfor everyone.
• *Fidelity- being loyal to the patient, keeping promises.
• Non-maleficence: Doing No Harm
Legal Rights of the patients in Mental Health
• Pt has the right to refuse treatment even if they’re in a mental health facility.
• Pts confidentiality: HIPPA: cannot be released without the consent of the patient
• Ifsomeone calls the unit asking about the patient refer them to contact the patient’s
family regarding the patient well being
• Over hear a conversation in a public place: tell them to go have the conversation in a
private setting.
• Mandated that abuse is reported, with a child or an older adult.
• Our duty to warn third parties if they’re at risk for harm.
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