Th e mother of a 4-year-old child ask s the nurse what she
c a n d o to help her other children c ope with their sibling's
repeated hospitalizations. W hi c h is the best response that
the nurse should offer?
Enco urag e the mother to have the children visit the
hospitalized sibling
W h e n planning the care for a child wh o h a s had a cleft lip repair,
the nurse k n o ws that crying should be minimized b ec au s e it
a. D- Stresses the fracture. Prevention of stress on the lip
suture line is essential for optim um healing a n d the
cosmetic app earanc e of a cleft lip repair. Although crying
caus es (increased salvation, leads to vomiting, stresses the
suture line) these conditions d o not create a problem for the
child with a cleft lip repair
Th e nurs e assigning care for a 5-year-old child with otitis m ed ia is
conc erned about the child's increasing temperature over the
pas t 24 hours. W hi c h statement is accurate a n d should be
cons idered wh e n planning care for the remainder of the
Tym pa ni c an d oral temperatures are equally accurate.
A 2-year-old child with gastro-esophageal reflux has developed a
fear of eating. W ha t instruction should the nurse include in
the parents' teaching plan?
Consistently follow a set mealtime routine.
What preoperative nursing intervention should be included in the
plan of care for an infant with pyloric
stenosis? Observe for projectile vomiting.
Th e nurse is assessing a 2-year-old. W ha t behavior indicates that
the child's language d evelopm ent is within normal
limits? Half of child's s pe ec h is understandable.
Th e nurse receives a lab report stating a child with as t hma h a s a
theophylline level of 1 5 mcg/dl. W h at action will the nurse
tak e? Pass the information on in the report.
A 4-year-old girl continues to interrupt her moth er during a
routine clinic visit. Th e mother appears irritated with the child
a n d ask s the nurse, "Is this normal behavior for a child this
ag e?" T h e nurse's res ponse should b e b a s ed o n which
Children ne ed to retain a sens e of initiative without impinging
o n the rights a nd privi leges of others.
A 6-month-old infant with congestive heart failure (CHF) is
receiving digoxin elixir. Which observation by the nurse
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