1. What physical changes can be seen in the breasts postpartum?: secretion of colostrum,
which occurs during pregnancy and 2-3 days immediately after birth. Milk is produced 2-3
days after the delivery of the newborn.
2. How should a nurse assess the breasts postpartum?:
a - Colostrum secretion in lactating and nonlactating pt's
b - engorgement of the breast tissue as a result of lymphatic circulation, milkproduction, and
temporary vein congestion
c - redness and tenderness of the breast
d - cracked nipples and indications of mastitis (infection in a milk duct of the breastwith
concurrent flu-like symptoms)
e - ascertain that the newborn who is breastfeeding has latched on correctly toprevent sore
f - ineffective newborn feeding patterns r/t maternal dehydration, maternal discom-fort
newborn positioning, or difficulty with the newborn latching onto the breast
3. What are the nursing interventions r/t breasts and breastfeeding?:
a - encourage early demand breastfeeding for the pt who is lactating, which will also stimulate
the production of natural oxytocin and help prevent uterine hemorrhage
b - assist the pt into a comfortable position, and have her try various positions during
breastfeeding (cradle hold,side-lying, and football hold).Explain how varyingpositions can
prevent nipple soreness
c - teach the pt the importance of proper latch techniques (the newborn takes in partof the areola
and nipple, not just the tip of the nipple) to prevent nipple soreness
d - inform the pt that breastfeeding causes the release of oxytocin, which stimulatesuterine
contractions.This is a normal occurrence and beneficial to uterine tone
4. What are the physical cardiovascular changes during postpartum?:
a - decrease in blood volume r/t blood loss during childbirth (average blood loss is 500mL in
uncomplicated vaginal birth and 1000 mL for c-section) and diaphoresis anddiuresis of the
excess fluid accumulated during the last part of the pregnancy. Lossoccurs within the first 2-3
days post delivery
b - hypovolemic shock does not usually occur in response to the normal blood lossof labor
and birth because of the expanded blood volume of pregnancy and the readjustment in the
maternal vasculature, which occursin response to the following:elimination of the placenta,
diverting 500-750 mL of blood into the maternalsystemiccirculation and rapid reduction in the
size of the uterus, putting more blood into thematernal systemic circulation
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