2. A n u rse is caring for a client following a n amn iocent esis at 1 8
w e e k s of gestation. W h i c h of the followin g findings sho uld
thenurse report t o the p rovid er as a potential comp lica tion?
• L e a k a ge of fluid f ro m the vagina
3. A n urse is calculating a client’s expe c ted d a t e of birth using
N agele’s rule. T he client tells the n urse that her last men st rual
cycle started on November 27
. Which of the following datesis the
client’s expected date of birth?
• September 3
4. A n u rse is caring for a client wh o is at 4 1 w e e k s of gestation
and h as a positive contraction stress test. For wh i c h of the
following diagnosti c tests should th e nurs e p rep are th e
• Biophysical profile (BPP)
• T he n urse should p rep are the client for a B P P t o further
assess fetal well-being. A positive contract ion stress test
indicates th ere is potential uteroplacent al insufficiency.
A B P P u ses a real t ime ult rasoun d to visualize physical
and physiological characteristics of the fetus a n d
observe forfetal biop hysical respo nses to stimuli.
5. A nurse is teaching a n ew parent abo ut n e w b o rn safety. Wh i c h
of the following instructions should the nurse in clud e in the
• “You can share your room with your baby for the next few
The nurse should recommend room-sharing during the firstfew weeks. This
allows the parent to b e readily available to the n ewbo rn a n d learn the
newb o r n ’ s cues. Howe ver , t hen urse should instruct the parent to avoid
plac ing the n ewbo rn in their bed as it inc reases risk for su dden infant de at h
s y ndrome (SIDS).
6. A nurse is caring for a client wh o is in labor and wh o s e fetus is
in the right occiput posterior position. T h e client is dilated to 8
c m a n d reports b a ck pain. W h i c h of the followin g actions
should th e nurse take?
• Apply sacral counterpressu re.
The nurse should appl y sacral co unterpressure to assist inrelieving b a c k labor
pain related to fetal posterio r position.
7. A nurse is caring for a newborn who is undergoing
phototherapy to treat hyperbilirubinemia. Which of the
following actions should the nurse take?
• Cover the newborn’s eyes while under the phototherapy
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