1) Lab test to confirm pregnancy
Urine test for presence of HCG
HCG is human chorionic gonadotropin, excreted by the placenta and promotes the excretion of
progesterone and estrogen. It is the hormone basis for pregnancy testing.
2) Potential effects of a fibroid during pregnancy
1) Uterine fibroids are more likely to grow during pregnancy in response to the
increasein circulating estrogen
2) Can increase the risk for postpartum hemorrhage due to the increase in blood
supplyto the uterus, which supports the fibroid
3) Undergo serial US examinations during pregnancy to monitor the fibroid; the
providerwill not surgically remove the fibroid during pregnancy d/t risk for fetal injury
or death and maternal hemorrhage
4) Size and location of the fibroid will determine the safest method for delivery. If it is
asmall fibroid that is not near the cervical os, she can have a vaginal delivery
3) Findings of a client who is at 12 weeks gestation and has a
hydatidiform mole
1) A hydatidiform mole, or a molar pregnancy, is a benign proliferative growth of the
chorionic villi, which gives rise to multiple cysts. The products of conception transform
into a large # of edematous, fluid-filled vesicles. As cells slough off the uterine wall,
vaginal discharge is usually dark brown and can contain grapelike clusters.
2) Should have NL temperature
3) Patient likely to have increased urinary output d/t increase in maternal blood
volumeand pressure of uterus on the maternal bladder
4) Should not expect to hear fetal heart tones because a viable embryo or fetus is
4) Patient is in latent phase of labor and is experience low back
pain. Which actionshould the nurse take?
1) Apply pressure to the client's sacral area during contractions with palm or firm object.
Counterpressure lifts the fetal head away from the sacral nerves, which decreases pain.
2) Patient should pant during contractions to prevent pushing or bearing down before
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