A 42-year old female is having trouble breathing. She has dysphagia and stridor. You
should suspect: - ANSWER - Epiglottitis
Overinflating the distal cuff of an endotracheal tube can cause: - ANSWER - Ischemia
of the tracheal wall
A hospice patient has developed dyspnea. Raspy sounds are coming from his
tracheostomy tube. You should: - ANSWER - Assess and suction if needed
When using the Macintosh blade for orotracheal intubation, the blade: - ANSWER -
Fits into the vallecula
A 58-yo male has a newly placed stoma and is experiencing difficulty breathing. Vital
signs are P 104, R 22 and labored, SpO2 83%. How can you rapidly confirm that his
stoma is clear? - ANSWER - Insert a soft catheter completely through the stoma
A 48 yo patient is choking on a hot dog. He is unresponsive, apneic, and has a strong
pulse. Chest compressions are ineffective at relieving the obstruction. You should: -
ANSWER - Use laryngoscopy and Magill forceps to remove the object
A 19 yo female is unresponsive. Her pupils are nonreactive, she has dried vomit on her
oropharynx, and bilateral rhonchi in her lungs. Vital signs are P 60, R 6. What should
you suspect? - ANSWER - Recent aspiration
A 28 yo male was driving his motorcycle at 45 mph when it hit a parked car. He was not
wearing a helmet. He is supine with an open fracture to his maxilla. Vital signs are P
120, R 4. What should you do? - ANSWER - Perform a surgical cricothyrotomy
EM Responders are performing BVM ventilations on a pt in respiratory arrest. The pt's
abdomen is distended. After you intubate the pt. you notice resistance when you
squeeze the BVM. Lung sounds are diminished bilaterally, neck veins are normal, and
the trachea is midline. You should: - ANSWER - Insert a nasogastric tube
When moving a pt that is endotrachially intubated, which is the most common lifethreatening hazard? - ANSWER - Dislodging the tube
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