Bill Buxton-BEST Ihuman Guide-latest
Bill Buxton-BEST Ihuman Guide-latest
Vitals Documentation:
● Pulse: Good, all correct. (FYI actual rate: 92)
● Respiration: correct is normal. (FYI actual rate: 20)
● BP: Good, all correct. (FYI actual BP: 162/92)
● Mental Status: Good, all correct.
Exam Documentation:
● Lung Auscultation:
● Left: Correct is fine crackles.
● Right: Correct is fine crackles.
● Cardiac Auscultation: Correct is Murmur - pansystolic.
● Eyes - Pupils: Good, all correct.
● Eyes - H-Test: Good, all correct.
Key Finding MSAP Relation
Shortness of breath (SOB), tachypnea, PND MSAP
Fluid retention: peripheral leg edema (2+) and abdominal
edema, ascites, hepatic congestion
Elevated jugular venous pressure (JVP) RELATED
Fine crackles in lung bases RELATED
S3, S4 with pansystolic murmur RELATED
Displaced PMI 2 cm lateral RELATED
Capillary refill delayed RELATED
Hypertension RELATED
Tachycardia RELATED
Positive JVP with hepatojugular reflux RELATED
50 pack-year history of smoking, quit 6 mo ago UNKNOWN
Cough (white frothy sputum) UNKNOWN
Indiscriminate salt intake UNKNOWN
Hx of coronary artery disease UNKNOWN
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