1. Program Design - Queues
Recall the definition of queues in OCaml as presented in class. For reference, the queue operations
appear in the Appendix.
type ’a qnode = { v : ’a; mutable next : ’a qnode option; }
type ’a queue = { mutable head : ’a qnode option;
mutable tail : ’a qnode option }
Use the design process to implement a function, called join, that takes two queues and modifies
them so that all of the qnodes of the second queue are moved to the end the first queue while
retaining their order.
For example, suppose queue q1 contains the values 1,2 and queue q2 contains the values 3,4.
Then after an execution of join q1 q2, the queue q1 should contain 1,2,3,4, and q2 should be
The join function may assume that q1 and q2 are valid queues, generated by the standard queue
operations. If q1 and q2 are aliases to the same queue, then join should have no effect. As the
purpose of this function is to mutate its arguments, it should always return ().
a. (0 points) The first step is to understand the problem. There is nothing to write here—your
answers to the other parts will show how well you have accomplished this step.
b. (3 points) The next step is to define the interface. Write the type of the operation as you
might see it in a .mli file. Use a generic type.
val join :
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