CMPP EXAM 2024: QUESTIONS WITH 100% CORRECT ANSWERS Fluoroquinolones 1. mechanism of action 2. practical tips 3. side effects 4. example 5. indication 6. route - Correct Answer - 1. bactericidal by inhibiting DNA synthesis (transcription and replication); excellent against gram (-) bacteria 2. a) take 2-4 hrs before antacids (absorption impaired) b) cannot use in patients <18 yo - interferes with cartilage growth and can cause arthropathy 3. a) risk of peripheral neuropathy (IV+PO): numbness, weakness, change in sensation to light, pain, temp, or proprioception; *?irreversible or last months/yrs after d/c b)**Black box warning: -increased risk of tendon rupture; most significant if >60yo or taking corticosteroids -avoid in patients with myasthenia gravis CMPP EXAM 2024: QUESTIONS WITH 100% CORRECT ANSWERS Fluoroquinolones 1. mechanism of action 2. practical tips 3. side effects 4. example 5. indication 6. route - Correct Answer - 1. bactericidal by inhibiting DNA synthesis (transcription and replication); excellent against gram (-) bacteria 2. a) take 2-4 hrs before antacids (absorption impaired) b) cannot use in patients <18 yo - interferes with cartilage growth and can cause arthropathy 3. a) risk of peripheral neuropathy (IV+PO): numbness, weakness, change in sensation to light, pain, temp, or proprioception; *?irreversible or last months/yrs after d/c b)**Black box warning: -increased risk of tendon rupture; most significant if >60yo or taking corticosteroids -avoid in patients with myasthenia gravis
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