1 | P a g e COLORADO POST STUDY, FINAL AND PRACTICE EXAM NEWEST 2024 ACTUAL EXAM COMPLETE 700 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT ANSWERS (VERIFIED ANSWERS) |ALREADY GRADED A+ Record all information that helps answer the questions; a. ______________? b. ______________? c. ______________? d. ______________? e. ______________? f. ______________? - ANSWER- Who What Why Where How When The reason a _________ is used for a writing instrument for notes is because it is ___________________. - ANSWER- Pen, Permanent 2 | P a g e In what week of gestation does the permanent ridge structure development stop? - ANSWER- 24th Week Position of the volar pads on the fingers when friction ridges start to form, in uterum, determines the _____________________________. - ANSWER- Fingerprint Pattern Type The two major layers of friction ridge skin structure are __________________ and ________________. - ANSWER- Dermis and Epidermis There are no sebaceous glands on the friction ridge surfaces of the body. - ANSWER- True The two areas of the body that have friction ridge skin are the: - ANSWER- Palmer and Plantar Perspiration is made up of _____________ % water and ______________ % organic matter. - ANSWER- 99.5 and 0.5 The latent fingerprint is a chance or accidental impression of the friction ridges of the skin. The factors affecting the latent fingerprint being left on a surface may be grouped into three stages in the formation of a latent print. These factors are: - ANSWER- Subject, Surface, Enviormental A latent fingerprint is developed on a television set moved during a 2nd Degree Burglary. The friction ridge detail is very fine and the ridges are 3 | P a g e close together. With this observation, the investigator may assume that the suspect has to be female. - ANSWER- False Improper and excessive handling of evidentiary items probably destroys more latent fingerprint than any other factor. - ANSWER- True What is the best process for developing a latent fingerprint on a soda can? - ANSWER- Powder The best method to use on a document that cannot be damaged in any manner, due to either their high intrinsic or sentimental value is the; - ANSWER- Iodine Method The most suitable reagent for revealing latent fingerprints on porous surfaces such as paper, cardboard, raw wood and plasterboard is: - ANSWER- Ninhydrin You may be able to improve the ability to develop some latent fingerprints by reanimating the print with humidity. One can reanimate the print with humidity by: - ANSWER- Breathing on it Ninhydrin reacts with what kind of acid, turning the latent Ruhemann's Purple? - ANSWER- Amino Iodine reacts with what kind of material, turning the latent brown? - ANSWER- Oily Substances 4 | P a g e After development of a latent with iodine, it must be photographed quickly because the developed latent; - ANSWER- Disappears Quickly The basic factors are, that fingerprints are permanent and that fingerprints of no two individuals are identical. - ANSWER- True What are the three basic fingerprint patterns? - ANSWER- Arch, Loop, Whorl What does AFIS stand for? - ANSWER- Automated Fingerprint Identification System A latent fingerprint on a crime scene is proof, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the person who left the print, did the crime. - ANSWERFalse What does PPOL Stand for - ANSWER- Position Posture, Observe, Listen Position should be at a ___ and ___ - ANSWER- Safe Distance, and Facing the Suspect Your Posture should - ANSWER- Upright/Erect colorado post study guide,colorado post study guide 2023,colorado post study guide 2022,colorado post test study guide,colorado post exam study guide,npost study guide utah,post study guide

What a person can testify to, under oath, about their personal experience related to the investigation at hand, is what type of evidence,Written material, audio and video recordings, photographs and sketches, are what type of evidence,Mockups and scale models of objects or places related to the crime scene and helps juries visualize more clearly what they are unable to view personally, is what type of evidence,Evidence that is real, which has substance, that helps to establish the facts of the case, can be seen, touched, smelled or tasted, is what type of evidence,The classification for the extremely small pieces of evidence, i.e., hairs, fibers and fingerprints, is what type of evidence,Circumstantial evidence is broken down into two characteristic types. These are ___ and ___,If an officer is able to testify that he or she took control of the item of physical evidence, identified it, placed it in a locked or protected area and retrieved the item being offered on the day of trial, that officer has maintained the,When evidence relates to a fact at issue in the trial, the evidence is deemed to be,When evidence has enough substantial importance to affect a point at issue at trial, the evidence is deemed to be,Evidence that has been properly collected, identified, filed and continuously secured is deemed to be,Before evidence is collected, you should photograph and sketch it.,The minimum marking that should be placed on collected evidence is:,If the object cannot be marked because it is a liquid, is too small to mark adequately, or any marking what so ever will destroy evidence on the surface of the object, then no marking is required.,A pair of blue jeans that has been soaked with blood may be placed in a heat sealed plastic bag to prevent leakage.,As long as the items were taken from the same person, a shirt and a pair of pants can be placed in the same bag and sealed.,All collected firearms should be rendered safe. After removing the magazine and any chambered bullet from a semi-automatic weapon, they can all be placed in separate bags and then all may be placed in a gun box.,A gunshot residue test may be collected from a subject whether they object to the test or not.,The three elements sought after in the Scanning Electron Microscope Gun Shot Residue Test are:,Blood was once classified as Class Characteristic Circumstantial Evidence. What one innovation has changed blood to an Identifying Characteristic Circumstantial Evidence?,Hair and fiber evidence can be picked up with the fingers, tape, or a specialized vacuum system with a filter.,"A claim for damages against a governmental entity which alleges that property taken for evidence was subsequently damaged is essentially a claim in tort. If the property was damaged by accident, the case would be a claim of negligence. If the property were intentionally destroyed, an intentional tort would be involved.",In what sequence were the bullet holes in this glass made?,Investigative notes are a permanent written record of the facts of a case to be used in further investigation, in writing reports, and in prosecuting the case.,Personal opinions, as well as observations, should always be noted.,Record general information upon receipt of a call for service. The information that should be recorded is: a. _____________________ b. _____________________ c. Pertinent information given about the call. d. _____________________,Record all information that helps answer the questions; a. ______________? b. ______________? c. ______________? d. ______________? e. ______________? f. ______________?,The reason a _________ is used for a writing instrument for notes is because it is ___________________.,In what week of gestation does the permanent ridge structure development stop?,Position of the volar pads on the fingers when friction ridges start to form, in uterum, determines the _____________________________.,The two major layers of friction ridge skin structure are __________________ and ________________.,There are no sebaceous glands on the friction ridge surfaces of the body.,The two areas of the body that have friction ridge skin are the:,Perspiration is made up of _____________ % water and ______________ % organic matter.,The latent fingerprint is a chance or accidental impression of the friction ridges of the skin. The factors affecting the latent fingerprint being left on a surface may be grouped into three stages in the formation of a latent print. These factors are:,A latent fingerprint is developed on a television set moved during a 2nd Degree Burglary. The friction ridge detail is very fine and the ridges are close together. With this observation, the investigator may assume that the suspect has to be female.,Improper and excessive handling of evidentiary items probably destroys more latent fingerprint than any other factor.,What is the best process for developing a latent fingerprint on a soda can?,The best method to use on a document that cannot be damaged in any manner, due to either their high intrinsic or sentimental value is the;,The most suitable reagent for revealing latent fingerprints on porous surfaces such as paper, cardboard, raw wood and plasterboard is:,You may be able to improve the ability to develop some latent fingerprints by reanimating the print with humidity. One can reanimate the print with humidity by:,Ninhydrin reacts with what kind of acid, turning the latent Ruhemann's Purple?,Iodine reacts with what kind of material, turning the latent brown?,After development of a latent with iodine, it must be photographed quickly because the developed latent;,The basic factors are, that fingerprints are permanent and that fingerprints of no two individuals are identical.,What are the three basic fingerprint patterns?,What does AFIS stand for?,A latent fingerprint on a crime scene is proof, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the person who left the print, did the crime.,What does PPOL Stand for,Position should be at a ___ and ___,Your Posture should,When observing you should make,When Listening you should,Class 1 is,Class 2 is,Class 3 is,Class 4 is,Class 5 is,Class 6 is,Class 7 is,Class 8 is,Class 9 is,Unable to find placard use,I in IRAC,R in IRAC,A in IRAC,C in IRAC,Decision making in Civil law made be,Decision making in common law is made by,First Amendment,First Amendment blocks,Fourth Amendment,Who has limited rights?,What prisoner mail can you NOT search?,Part one of the fifth amendment?,Second part of the fifth amendment,Third Part of the Fifth Amendment,Sixth Amendment first part is?,Second part of Sixth Amendment,Third part of the sixth amendment,When must a person be brought to trial?,When must a retrial take place?,First part of 8th amendment,Who will not get bail?,Death Penalty for Juveniles what is special?,One long blast (whistle),Two Short Blasts (Whistle),Multiple blasts (Whistle),Primary Concern in Traffic is?,How should you position your body in traffic?,Two types not working traffic controls,A crisis state can be defined as a,The purpose of crisis intervention is,The first step in the assessment process is,It is more important to be a,The seven active listening skills include,The three major types of psychological disorders are?,Emotional situations may become?,If you ask a person about their suicidal intentions,Suicide clues include expressions,Effective techniques to deal with suicide ideations include,Most suicide by cops commissions occur by criminal offense,Should you take the weapon if offered in a suicide by cop situtation,The appearance of a mentally ill persons can include,A person is non responsive are the intentionally by resistant,Stats indicate the likelihood of homicide followed by suicide occurs from,First Amendment,Second Amendment,Third Amendment,Fourth Amendment,Fifth Amendment,Sixth Amendment,Seventh Amendment,Eighth Amendment,Ninth Amendment,Tenth Amendment,INCITING A RIOT,DISOBEDIENCE OF PUBLIC SAFETY ORDERS UNDER RIOT CONDITIONS,Crowd,Mob,Leader,Screws V U.S,Buster V Wright,History of field force,Primary objective is to riot control,Stage1 Mobs,Stage 2 Mobs,Stage 3 Mobs,Preparatory commands,Vehicle Speed Riot Control,What is most dangerous to LEO,Inital Response Crises,First 15 min,First priority for hostage in residence is,Define Stockholm syndrome,Why have a swat team,Swat tactical teams role during hostage situation,Primary negotiator is called,Important to gather as much intelligence as possible,Primary goal of negotiation team is to,Perimeter considerations are,Proper timing for Miranda warning,If a suspects counsel is there:,Know when court determines whether a statement was voluntary,Confession is,When a Miranda warning is not valid,How Miranda relates to minors,When someone can invoke Miranda rights?,What are 2 highest sources of law in the state of Colorado:,What is Arrest?,What is Detain,Various levels of courts,Various stages of court proceedings,Guilty vs not guilty,Affidavit,What is Jury Trial,What is hearing,Sexual Assault on a child,Sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust,Actor,Intimate parts,Pattern of sexual abuse,Physically helpless,Sexual contact,Sexual penetration,Rule 41.1,SWAT Stands for,The idea for SWAT was to,Why swat was developed,When swat is used,Who can call swat,Purpose of a frangible breaching round (TKO) and what it is,Tools used to breach doors,Vehicle Search Warrant,Exception 1 to search warrant,Exception 2 to search warrant,Exception 3 to search warrant,Exception 4 to search warrant,Exception 5 to search warrant,Exception 6 to search warrant,Who can enforce liquor laws?,What are "on premises" establishments,What are "off premises establishments?,Definition of Beer,What alcohol can be sold at convenience stores?,What is malt liquor?,Who can sell Malt Liquor?,How old do you have to be to sell 3.2?er,How old do you have to be to sell "on premises" Alcohol?,How old do you have to be to sell "off premises" alcohol?,Malt Liquor is permitted to sell from what time to what time,"On Premises" is able to sell from what time to what time,Brew Pubs can sell from what time to what time?,3.2?er can be sold from what time to what time?,Hotel and Restaurants selling liquor must have meals and snacks at what time?,What kind of food must taverns, beer and wine licensees have during all business hours?,Are ID checks required for purchase of alcohol?,What are valid forms of ID?,When was the new CHP law enacted,Who can issue a CHP,How long permit is valid?,CBI Insta-check buying guns,CBI Insta-check CHP,When you can confiscate a permit?,What should you do if you confiscate?,Fee for a CHP?,How long the Sheriff has to process CHP application?,When someone has to show you their permit?,What States do not require residence to carry a permit?,Where can they conceal without a permit,Medical Marijuana License holders and CHP permits,Colorado is what kind of issue state?,Routes of exposure,PPE is?,Best way to prevent spread of infection?,OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has done what?,How to recognize the danger (hazmat),"Civil Law" is?,Criminal Law is?,A TPO must be served?,If a TPO is served to a juvenile, the juvenile must be over the age of?,If you serve a TPO at a place of employment where the plaintiff also works you must notify who?,Out of State Custody orders must go through adams county court if?,Child custody orders must be served,Under what circumstances a juvenile may be interviewed as a suspect?,Is a Miranda warning needed for interviewing a juvenile witness?,What paperwork must accompany a juvenile to a detention center?,How soon must a juvenile be present in court after placement in detention?,What is the type and purpose of a juvenile's first hearing?,How long does someone have to file charges on a juvenile after detention?,What type of cases does the juvenile court have jurisdiction over?,What court has jurisdiction of juvenile cases once the person turns 18?,What are the sentencing options for juveniles in the Juvenile Court,What are the sentencing options for juveniles in the Adult District Court,Who investigates crimes against children (Intrafamilial),Who investigates institutional abuse in children?,Who investigates third party abuse on children?,What is emancipation?,Adjudication means?,Reporting Requirements for Child Abuse or Neglect,Neglected or dependent Child means,What is Emergency Possession of Certain Abandoned Children,What is TPO for kids?,What is an Emergency Protection Order?,Can a case worker with Social Services take a child out of the home on their authority alone?,LEO can take child with out court order when?,What is resisting arrest?,What is obstruction?,What is Refusing to aid a peace officer?,First Degree Arson,Second Degree Arson,Third Degree Arson,Fourth degree arson,When controlling a fire scene your two objectives are?,What should you have when finding origin in arson?,What are the four types of DL restraints?,What is careless driving?,What is reckless driving?,Prima Facia Speed Limit on Narrow Mountain Highway?,Prima Facia Speed Limit in a Bus District?,Prima Facia Speed Limit in a residential district?,Prima Facia Speed Limit on Open Mountain Highway?,How many points to have license suspended,When should head lamps be on?,How many front lights can a car have?,How many headlights can a motorcycle have,When in doubt on distance for lights and sound?,Example you broke my window it is 50 dollars, if you give me a 100 dollars I won't call cops is,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,Age of child for child abuse,Age for Child Trafficking/Sexual Exploitation,Sexual Exploitation of Child,Procurement of a Child for Sexual Exploitation,Consensual Stop,Investigatory Stop,Probable Cause,Probable Cause,Exclusionary Rule,Search Warrant Exceptions,Four parts of Exigent Circumstances,Reasons to Arrest,Reason to Arrest,Reason to Arrest,Two things needed for a search warrant,Things needed in warrant and affidavit,Protective Sweep,At Risk Adult,At Risk Juvenile,Crimes not included with At risk adult or juvenile,A person with disabilities means,Only Misdemeanor for at risk adults and juveniles,Building,Occupied Structure,1st Degree Burglary,2nd Degree Burglary,3rd Degree Burglary,Possession of Burglary Tool,Theft,Elements of Theft,Misdemeanor Theft,Felony Theft,Criminal Mischief,Felony Criminal Mischief,Misdemeanor Mischief,1st Degree Trespass,2nd Degree Trespass,3rd Degree Trespass,Age for Child Abuse,Statute of Limitations Felony Child Abuse,Statute of Limitations Misdemeanor Child Abuse,Position of Trust,Illegal Shotgun,Legal Shotgun,Illegal Rifle,Legal Rifle,Reactionary Gap,Danger Signs,Terrorism,Domestic Terrorism,Phases of Terrorist Attack,Direct Action,Special-Interest / Single-Issue Terrorists,ELF,Vandalism, tree-spiking, Arson, Bombings, threats / Extortion,What makes a gang?,Two gangs from Chicago,Latin Kings are under?,Mexican Mafia sworn enemy is,Nuestra Familia sworn enemy is,Sureneo's don't like,GKI does not like the,Bloods don't like,Folks(Gangster Dispiles) don't like,What is a confrontation lineup,What is a showup,Disorderly Conduct is,What is a bias motivated crime,What is Harassment?,What is the fourth amendment,What is a consensual contact,What is a Custodial Stop,Reasonable suspicion is,What is Probable Cause,What is a pat search,Assault in the First Degree,Assault in the First Degree,Assault in the Second Degree,Assault in the Second Degree,Assault in the Third Degree,What is menacing,Felony Menacing is?,What is vehicular assault,What is robbery (Strong Arm Robbery, or simple robbery),What is an aggravated robbery,What is a burglary,First Degree Kidnapping,Second Degree Kidnapping,What is the age of enticement for a child?,What is false imprisonment,What is Felony False Imprisonment,What is prostitution?,What is Soliciting a prostitute,What is SARA,Public Indecency is,Indecent Exposure is,Crime Triangle is,P.O.P. is,CPTED is,Three elements for a crime,To solve a crime in the crime triangle you need to what,Who does the FBI report to,What is the purpose of Secret Service,When was Department of Homeland Security formed?,Oldest Federal Law Enforcement Organization,Who does ATF report to,Who has control if there is no sheriff,C.S.P. fall under,When was Uniformed Controlled Substance Act Established (Article 18),How many schedules of drugs,What is schedule 1,What is schedule 2,Is there an enhanced penalty selling on school grounds,What is the age to drink in Colorado?,Abuse of a corpse,Dueling,What do you need for sale of tobacco,What must have service dog have,What should an officer be doing when driving to a crime scene?,Three things you should do before handling evidence?,What should you do if suspect is on scene,What should be obtained by a witness,What should not be in an officers report,What is first degree murder,What is Felony Murder,What is Perjury,What is second degree murder,What is Manslaughter,What is Criminally Negligent Homicide,What is Vehicular Homicide,Aggravated Auto Theft,What is VIN,What is definition of auto vehicle,Time limit out of state auto theft,Time limit in state auto theft,Gordon Grahams three point guide to customer loyalty?,1. Get things right the first time2. Treat people right all the time3. Add in the WOW factor whenever possibleAre all part of?,Law Enforcement Code of Ethics,• Private Trust• Public Trust• Competence• TrustworthinessAre part of?,Definition of Culture?,A lens or filter through which we see the world, is what definition,Two distinctive themes of Law Enforcement,Isolation and Solidation are what?,Public Perception on BIAs policing,Litigation, Community Backlash, Suppression of Evidence, Moral and Ethical Concerns are all what?,Yes Sir, No Sir, Yes Ma'am, No Ma'am are all examples of?,Less than 18 on BMI is,Under weight on BMI is,What is normal weight on BMI,Less than 25 on BMI is,25.1-30 on BMI is?,Overweight on the BMI is,Obese on BMI is,30+ on BMI is,What is a carbohydrate?,What is primary role of protein?,How many days and hours should you workout?,When did the VRA go into effect?,January 14 1993 what act went into effect,How should VRA victims be treated,With Fairness, Dignity and Respect are all part of,24-4.1-101 basically says?,When does an Victims Rights Advocate Respond?,What are the 5w's and H of report writing?,What tense should reports be written in,What is the primary purpose of reports?,What is LOVID,Who has access to reports?,How should reports be written?,What is considered identifying information?,What makes theft a felony?,What makes theft a class 2 misdemeanor,What makes theft a class 1 misdemeanor,Where can identity theft be tried?,Elements of Identity theft?,Intent to defraud, such person falsely makes, completes, alters, or utters a written instrument which is or purports to be, or which is calculated to become or to represent if completed is?,What is a check written that you know is going to bounce?,Specific mental state of intentionally, with intent, knowingly, willfully, recklessly or with criminal negligence is?,Different Criminal Negligence,SBI for burns

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