Directory Information ✔✔Includes names, address, phone number, date/place of birth honors or
Autonomy ✔✔Clients ability to exercise free will and act independently
Nonmaleficence ✔✔To do not harm to clients
Beneficence ✔✔To do only good
Justice ✔✔Fairness, and adhering to principles of justce
Fidelity ✔✔Faithful and loyal, facilitating trust and keeping ones word, and fulfilling any
Negligence ✔✔When counselors fault to use reasonable care in carrying out their professional
Malpractice ✔✔When professional counselors fail to provide the standard of care expected of
them based on their knowledge, skills, and credentials this also includes DEFAMATION,
Privileged Communication ✔✔Protects client-counselor communication in the court systems
Culture ✔✔Refers to the human experience and includes behaviors, attitudes, feelings, and
cognitions related to our identities living in the world.
Cultural Encapsulation ✔✔The dominate cultural view held by the counselor during a session.
This causes the counselor to evaluate and treat the client from his or her perspective
Multicultural Counseling ✔✔The INTEGRATION of cultural identities within the counseling
Cultural Identity ✔✔The degree to which individuals identify belonging to SUBGROUPS of
various cultural groups or categories.
Etic Perspective ✔✔Viewing clients from a UNIVERSAL perspective
Emic ✔✔Approaches SPECIFIC to clients perspective
Locus of Responsibility ✔✔Refers to what SYSTEM is responsible for things that happen to
Internal Locus of Responsibility ✔✔Success and failure is a result of the individual (meaning you
have control over the decisions you make)
External Locus of Responsibility ✔✔Social environment is responsible for what happens to
individuals (things in the environment that the individual is not responsible for)
Locus of Control ✔✔The degree of control individual PERCIEVE they have over their
Internal Locus of Control ✔✔Consequences depend on the actions of the individual
External Locus of Control ✔✔Things that happen outside of the individuals control (environment)
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