Overall aggregate payments made to a hospice are subject to a computed "cap
amount" calculated by - correct answer The Medicare Administrative Contractor
(MAC) at the end of the hospice cap period
Which of the following is required for participation in Medicaid - correct answer
Meet Income and Assets Requirements
In choosing a setting for patient financial discussions, organizations should first
and foremost - correct answer Respect the patients privacy
A nightly room charge will be incorrect if the patient's - correct answer Transfer
from ICU (intensive care unit) to the Medical/Surgical
floor is not reflected in the registration system
The Affordable Care Act legislated the development of Health Insurance
Exchanges, where individuals and small businesses can - correct answer Purchase
qualified health benefit plans regardless of insured's
health status
CRCR Certification exam review 2023
questions and answers
A portion of the accounts receivable inventory which has NOT qualified for billing
includes: - correct answer Charitable pledges
What is required for the UB-04/837-I, used by Rural Health Clinics to generate
payment from Medicare? - correct answer Revenue codes
This directive was developed to promote and ensure healthcare quality and value
and also to protect consumers and workers in the healthcare system. This
directive is called - correct answer Patient bill of rights
The activity which results in the accurate recording of patient bed and level of
care assessment, patient transfer and patient discharge status on a real-time basis
is known as - correct answer Case management
Which statement is an EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor
Act) violation? - correct answer Registration staff may routinely contact managed
are plans for prior authorizations before the patient is seen by the on-duty
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