Addison's disease - Answer A disease due to hyposecretion of glucocorticoids,
characterized by low blood pressure, diarrhea, digestive disturbance, and a bronzelike
pigmentation of the skin
Adjunctive agents - Answer Agents that supplement the primary anesthetic agents to
augment or enhance the effects of the primary agent
Allergenicity - Answer Having the property of an allergen, a substance that will elicit an
allergic response in sensitive individuals
Alveolus (plural: alveoli) - Answer A small air sac within the body of the lung
Amide - Answer A chemical structure derived from ammonia; there is a group of amide
local anesthetics that are widely used in dentistry (eg, lidocaine, mepivacaine,
prilocaine, bupivacaine).
Amnesia - Answer Failure to remember events related to surgery
Analgesia - Answer Insensitivity to pain
Anaphylaxis - Answer A severe allergic reaction marked by any of several severe
responses, including skin reactions, smooth muscle cramping, urinary incontinence,
construction of bronchioles, respiratory difficulty, and cardiovascular collapse
Anemia - Answer A reduction in the number of red blood cells in the bloodstream
Angina pectoris - Answer Pain in the chest, with a feeling of suffocation, usually due to
deficiency of blood supply to the myocardium
Antecubital - Answer Situated in front of the elbow
Antecubital fossa - Answer The depression between the forearm and the upper arm that
is literally "in front of the elbow"
Anticholinergic - Answer A drug that counteracts the action of acetylcholine, the
neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system and thereby blocks the action
of the parasympathetic nerves
Antiemetic - Answer A drug that counteracts nausea and vomiting
Antisialagogue - Answer A drug that counteracts the production of saliva
Anxiolytic - Answer Drugs that reduce anxiety, agitation, or tension (eg, Valium,
Aorta - Answer The main trunk (a very large artery) from which the arterial system
Apnea - Answer Absence or cessation of breathing
Arrest rhythms - Answer Cardiac rhythms in which there is cardiac arrest. Some arrest
rhythms such as pulseless ventricular tachycardia are accompanied by a rhythm
display, but there is no contraction
Arrhythmia - Answer Any variation from the normal rhythm of the heartbeat
Arteriole - Answer Any of the very small arterial branches located at the end of an artery
(furthest from the heart)
Artery - Answer A vessel that varies blood away from the heart to other parts of the
Ascites - Answer Accumulation of the serous fluid in the abdominal cavity
Asystole - Answer Cardiac arrest in which there is no rhythm display and no contraction
Ataractics - Answer Pharmacologic agents that produce a tranquilizing effect
Atherosclerosis - Answer A disease of the arteries characterized by the deposition of
plaques of fatty material on their inner walls
Atrial fibrillation - Answer Atrial arrhythmia characterized by rapid randomized
contractions of the atrial myocardium, causing a totally irregular and often rapid
ventricular rate
Atrial flutter - Answer A condition of cardiac arrhythmia in which the atrial contractions
are rapid (200 to 320 per minute)
Atrial (supraventricular) rhythms - Answer Dysrythmias in which the pacemaker is in the
atria above the level of the ventricles (supraventricular) area
Atrial Tachycardia - Answer Rapid heartbeat originating from the a
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