Florida Real Estate State Exam: Gold
Coast Q&A CRAM EXAM 3&4 Questions
and Answers Graded A 2025/2026
Sue the broker - Sales associate, Tim, received a signed contract from a buyer and
ailed it to the seller. The seller agreed to the terms and the escrow deposit was
deposited safely in the brokers escrow account. Tim has a disagreement with his broker
and quits. The broker refuses to pau a commission since tim was not in his employ
when the contact was actually received and signed. What should tim to?
The one who engages the broker in a single agency relationship - Who is the principal
or employer?
The listing did not give Bob the right to obligate Owen to Percy's offer. - Homowner
owen signed an exlusive right of sale listing with Bob, a registered broker. The listing
states that Bob is employed to find a purchaser and that Owen agrees to pay a 10%
commission to Bob or any person, partnership, Corporation or firm that sells the
property, The remainger of the listing deals with the terms and conditions of the sale
and duration of the listing. While owen was away on vacantion, Percy made a written
offer to urchase the property at the listed price, terms and conditions. Bob, on behalf of
owner Owen, accepted Percy's offer and signed it for Owen. which statement is correct?
The broker is not entitled to a commission - Sales associate John attends a cocktail
party with his friend Bill to another friend, Jack. It turns out that Jack has a house for
sale, and Bill agrees to purchase it. Sales associate John makes it clear that he want no
commission. Which statement is correct?
say nothing about the seller, and ask the buyer to make an offer - A broker, while
looking for a deal for his best friend, gets a listing. The seller must sell because of family
emergency. What should the broker say to his best friend?
submit the offer to a seller - If an oral offer is made to a broker on a property the broker
has listed, what should be the broker's response?
Tell the buyer before going into contact - If a broker is aware of a construction lien on
apeice of property, what should he or she do?
The broker is guilty of concealment - A broker lists a proeprty for 30,000. The broker
learnes of a new developmetn which will be built beside the listed propery. The broker
purchases the porperty from the seller for the full lisred price and discloses the fact that
he is a licensed broker. The broker then sells the property to the developer for 50,000
which sttment is correct?
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