FMF Core Exam with 233 Questions and Answers all answers 100% Correct Latest Update 2025/2026 RATED A+
1933 - CORRECT ANSWERS The Marine Corps was reorganized into the Fleet Marine Force,
establishing command administrative relations between the fleet and the Marine corps.
Robert R. Ingram - CORRECT ANSWERS Petty Officer Ingram accompanied the point Plt in Vietnam
when a tree line suddenly exploded with fire. he sustained 4 gunshot wounds while providing care to
Marines and corpsman while under fire. He was awarded the Medal of Honor.
NAVPERS 1070/880 - CORRECT ANSWERS List of Honors and Awards
Reporting Senior - CORRECT ANSWERS CO's and OIC's are reporting seniors by virtue of their
command authority
1991 - CORRECT ANSWERS Operation Desert Storm launched after the Iraqi Gov. invaded Kuwait
and refused to comply with the U.N. Marine Aviation was heavily used, when massive bombing failed to
dislodge Iraqi forces, Marine ground forces swept in and liberated the country.
Margret A. Brewer - CORRECT ANSWERS Brigadier General, then a colonel, served as the 7th and
final director of the female marines during 1973-1977. She was the first general female officer in 1778.
Special Court Martial consists of who? - CORRECT ANSWERS Composed of a military judge or a
military judge with no less than 3 Active Duty Members.
What punishment can be awarded for a special court martial? - CORRECT ANSWERS Can award:
- 6 months of confinement
- 3 months of hard labor wo/ confinement
- loss of rank & half months pay
- a bad conduct discharge
What punishment can be awarded for a special court martial? - CORRECT ANSWERS Can award:
- 6 months of confinement
- 3 months of hard labor wo/ confinement
- loss of rank & half months pay
- a bad conduct discharge
Endorsement - CORRECT ANSWERS use an endorsement to forward comments, recommendations,
or information
Immediate Superiors in Command - CORRECT ANSWERS A reporting senior for assigned CO's and is
authorized to assume the reporting senior authority of a subordinate CO whose ability as a reporting
senior becomes impaired.
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