GA Jurisprudence Exam Guide (Latest 2024/ 2025 Update) Questions and Verified Answers| 100% Correct| Grade A

*Rules for the State Board of Examiners of Psychologists

- consists of 6 members appointed by the governor (5 psychologists, 1 public member)

- annually at the 1st meeting of the fiscal yr the board elects a president and VP to serve until successor has been elected

- all board members term a term of 5 years and until successor appointed

-must hold 1 regular meeting per year, president can call additional meetings or 2 board members can make a written request for a meeting

- Board is administered by the Division Director, Professional Licensing Boards Division of the Office of Secretary of State

-Division director assists attorneys when prosecuting a violation

- applicant forms can be obtained by writing to the board or going to the website

- fees are non-refundable, payable to the Board, requests for refunds must be in writing and within 1yr of when board received fees

-Board members ARE NOT liable to CIVIL action for things they do as part of their duties as a board member if done in good faith

Client (definition)

recipient of services (can be individual or organizational)

Student (definition)

individual in predoctoral training or internship

Confidential information (definition)

information that you are ethically obligated to not disclose without client permission

Court order (definition)

judicial action that compels disclosure of information

Professional relationship (definition)

a mutually agreed upon relationship between the psychologist and the pt/client, students, supervisees, or employees

Psychological services (definition)

actions of psychologists in context of a professional relationship

Supervisors (definition)

psychologists who have the responsibility for professional activities of supervision

*Licensure Application Requirements

- Doctoral degree from APA accredited program

- Complete APA accredited or APPIC member internship

- Complete postdoctoral SWE

- Application

- Take EPPP after doctorate and internship is complete AND pass

- 70% on Jurisprudence

- Orals based on work sample from past 6 months

- License is obtained after all requirements passed and SWE is complete (1 yr to do it in)

*Rules about the EPPP

- If you fail 3x you must take 3 semester credits or 15CEU hrs of additional course work

- If you fail 6x you must take 9 semester credits or 45 CEUs of additional course work

- Fail Oral exam: Full board exam

- Fail Full Board: wait 6 months for another full board

- Fail Full Board 2xs: denied license and must reapply'

Provisional License (definition)

- individual is currently completing SWE and all written exams have been passed

- approved application for provisional license has same weight and privileges of a full license except still need supervision until the end of SWE

- valid for 24 months but non-renewable

- if provisional license is denied you have 60 days to appeal before the file is closed, can be revoked if you are not meeting the SWE

-revocation of provision license is NOT a contested act, but holder does have the right to appear before the board

Licensure by Endorsement (definition)

- individual currently has a license in another state and is applying for a license in GA

- application and fees must be submitted 60 days prior to taking jurisprudence

- board may allow reciprocity and grant a psychologist licensed by a similar board in a different state whose standards are not lower than GA (may wave written and/or oral exam)

- must fall into one of these categories:

licensed less than 10 years

senior psychologist

I/O psychologist

Certificate of Profession Quality from ASPPB -or- they can apply for licensure by exam and go through entire process

*if applicant has had disciplinary actions the board or questions pf competency the board can deny licensure

Senior psychologist (definition)

- been practicing 10 years or more

*senior I/O psychologist only needs 5 years of practice in I/O

Temporary license

- license that can be obtained while an individual is in the process of obtaining licensure by endorsement

- board may request a personal interview

- must take jurisprudence on 1st available date after the application is approved otherwise they will revoke temp license

- must take oral exam on the next available date after written exam or temp license will be revoked

Volunteer service license

- individual retired from practice or whose license is in an inactive status who wants to practice without receiving compensation

- must have had a license in good standing prior to retirement/inactive status

- proof of 20CEs within 2 yrs prior to application,

- Exams, application fees, etc are waved

- renewable with same requirements as a full license, but time to complete requirements is determined by the Board

Permission for limited practice

- if someone is licensed in another state, they may practice in GA without applying for GA license if the hold a valid license in another state

- must notify Board 5 days before intended practice

- only applies to those NOT seeking licensure in GA (really for if you are doing short term work with FEMA or Red-Cross or something)

- allowed 30 days MAX of practice per calendar year

Educational Requirements for Licensure

- Doctoral degree in applied psychology or I/O from accredited program that meets standards of APA

- curriculum must meet APA accreditation competency areas

- Prac experience must meet requirements

- 3 full-time years of graduate study (2 of 3 years must be at the degree granting program)

- 1yr full-time residency /internship

Internship Requirements for Licensure

- must be APA or APPIC member internship

- non-accredited internships must meet similar requirements to those outlined by the APA (2000 hrs total, 500 hrs of client contact except for I/O)

Postdoc Requirements for Licensure

- individual is called a "fellow"

- 1500 hrs of SWE (500 hrs of client contact or related activities)

- 11-24 months to complete

- if not official postdoc all hrs must be logged and signed off on by supervisor

Secondary supervisor (definition)

- oversees no more than 20% of training, which is preapproved by primary supervisor

****Primary AND Secondary supervisors must be licensed 3 years prior to supervising (provisional license does not count)

-for postdocs they need 1 hr of supervision per 30 hrs of SWE

General Supervision Rules

- Cannot be Primary supervisor for more than 3 supervisees engaged in psychological services at the same time unless approved by Board

- When clinical services are rendered, supervising psychologist must:

take part in intake process

personally diagnoses when required/requested

personally interview pt for Dx purposes when required or requested

personally select and interpret tests

*Must provide 1hr of supervision for every 20 hrs of face-to-face client contact

Rules for who Psychologists CANNOT Supervise

Cannot supervise people who:

have voluntarily surrendered their license

been disciplined by any other licensing agency

been convicted of a felony and/or is under criminal probation

can be waived by Board in extraordinary circumstances

Rules for Clinical & Counseling Internship Programs

- supervisors must be internship staff of affiliates

- must have clearly designated licensed staff responsible for training

- 2 or more licensed psychologists on staff

- minimum of two interns

- minimum of 2 hrs a week of scheduled learning/didactics

- interns must receive at least 2 hrs of individual in-person supervision per week

- primary or secondary supervisor must be onsite in case of emergencies

Rules for School psychology internships

- supervisors must be internship staff of affiliates

- supervisor MUST be a licensed psychologist OR they must have a school psychology certificate at doctoral level from State Dept of Education

- must have clearly designated licensed staff responsible for training

- min of 2 interns

- min of 2 hr per week of scheduled learning/didactics

- interns must receive at least 2 hrs of individual in-person supervision per week

- primary or secondary supervisor must be onsite in case of emergencies

Rules for I/O internships

- planning experience within an organizational setting (can be up to 48 months)

- 80% of supervision must be by a psychologist

- 50% of training must be spent in professional activities on the client's (organization's) behalf

- must have more than 1 but no more than 4 separate work experiences (each lasting 3 months/500 hrs)

- supervisor must be available for consultation within a reasonable amount of time

* an I/O supervisor can have more than 3 supervisees, interns still need a minimum of 2 hours of individual supervision each for every 40 hrs worked

Scope of Practice (definition)

- practice consistent with one's education, internship, SWE, and professional experiences

- must obtain sufficient extra training when desiring to practice outside scope of practice

- must maintain competency through CEUs (etc)

*Maintance of Records

Must keep adult records for 7 years

Must keep records for minors for three years past the age of majority (so must keep records until the time that the minor would be 21, even if you stopped seeing them at age 10)

Rules about Impairment

Psychologists should not continue a professional relationship (clinically or supervisory) when they are or could be reasonably expected to be impaired due t mental, emotional, physiological, pharmalogical or substance abuse conditions

if this is the case, a written statement should be submitted to board describing these incidents- may be subject to an exam

-board can ask psychologist to submit to exam with provider of their choosing and records are admissible in hearing (including psych records)- they may also request existing records

-if person fails to undergo examination or provide records, the board can suspend license

*licensee can appeal decisions by appealing to superior court in the country where the division director is

*Rules about Telehealth Practice

new laws seem to indicate that if an out of state psychologist practices in GA without a GA state license- they will be reported to their own state board

Rules about Forensic assessment

- must state limits of data and conclusions when appropriate

- Must actually see pt and conduct eval prior to writing report or passing conclusions

- if cannot see person than psychologist must state limitations of conclusions based on limited information

- must avoid multiple roles but can do it when not avoidable, however in these cases psychologists must clarify roles and limits to confidentiality

* License Renewal

- all licenses expire on 12/31 on even numbered years and can be renewed for 2 years

- application for renewed license is due every 2 years (on even numbered years) and all requirements must be complete

- you have 6 months after expiration to pay late fee and renew the license, otherwise is considered lapsed and is revoked

- Licenses not renewed within 6 months of expiration may be reinstated at Board's discretion with application and penalty fee

- Have 1 yr to have a lapsed license reinstated, failure to apply for reinstatement after 1 yr may require new all application for licensure by exam waiver

Inactive status of License (definition)

- person has a current license but who will not practice or use the title of "psychologist" can apply for "inactive status"

-if a psychologist has an inactive license in GA, but is active in other states and want to re-activate GA license, must prove 40 CEU in past 2 yrs to reactivate

- if psychologist has an inactive GA license and no active licenses anywhere else, they must also take the Jurisprudence & Oral Exams for GA again

*General Rules for CEs

- must report CE hrs under oath and report of complete CE is due at time of licensure renewal

- need 40 clock hrs of CEUs for every 2 years to renew license

- need 3 hrs each in both ethics and psychopharm for license to be renewed

- 1st year diversity requirement (3 CEU)

- must maintain CEU documentation for at least 4 years

*board MUST publish new rules about CEs one year before they go into effect

Area I for CEU

- academic courses/structured didactics (including readings

- supervision counts if accompanied by readings and part of a regularly set practice

- grand rounds if it is a series with readings and counts for over 10 hrs

- must be in-person

Area II for CEU

- Conventions

1 day = 3 CEU hrs

But can earn up to 6 in a day if 3 are from a workshop

*must be in-person

Area III for CEU

- Workshops & Institutes

(grand rounds count if it is part of a series and span at least 3 hrs)

-must be in-person

Area IV for CEU

- APA or GPA approved CE

- must be in-person

Area V for CEU

- self instructional activity including online CE

-can earn up to 10 in this area (16 it they are earned through an interactive course online)

- can also earn these through 1st prep of a class or manuscript

Exceptions to CEU rules

- if first year of licensure is an odd year, must take 20 hrs of CEUs for renewal

- If 1st year of licensure is in an even year, no CEUs required for renewal

- During 1st year of licensure, must take 3 CE in cultural diversity (could be satisfied by course taken during grad school)

- Psychologist on Board or GPA ethics committee is exempt from ethics requirements during that term

- ABPP will satisfy all CE requirements for the 2 year period you get it in

- I/O psychologists are exempt from the psychophatm requirement

Ethics requirement for CEUs

must have at least 3 hrs of ethics in each renewal period

- if you serve on the ethic committee = exempt

- if you serve as part of an ethics investigation = exempt

- serve on oral exams board = exempt

can be earned through Area I, III, IV

Diversity requirement for CEUs

must be met during first year, 3 CEUs worth

must be met in person

can be satisfied through a specific course taken in grad school

can be earned through Area I, III, IV

5 General Principles of the APA ethics Code

A: Beneficence & Nonmaleficence

B: Fidelity and Responsibility

C: Integrity

D: Justice

E: Respect for people's rights and diginity

Who can use the title "psychologist"

According to LAW

- CANNOT call self psychologist or practice psychology if you do not have a license, except:

- a "school psychologist" does not need to be licensed as a psychologist if working for an educational instituion recognized by the board

- Can call self a psychologist in research or academia so long as not providing direct patient care

- If working for a state gov agency or CSB BEFORE 1996 do not need to be licensed to practice psychology (i.e. social workers, etc)

- Religious ppl may pratice w/o a license but cannot call self a psychologist

- nurses, LCSW, MFTs, etc with appropriate training can practice, but cannot call self a psychologist

Fine/Penality for Violating Laws about practice/calling self psychologist

- considered guilty of a misdemeanor

- $100-1 thousand fine OR prison for a max of 12 months

Reporting a violation to the board

If you report someone to the board (in good faith) you are immune from both civil and criminal liability

Supervisor liabililty

Supervisor is not liable for violations executed by a supervisee (assuming they were unaware and supevised in good faith)

Penalty for being convicted of sexual assualt

- for these purposes sex w/ a patient is considered "sexual assault", consent of the victim is NOT a defense

- imprisonment for 1-25 years AND/OR

- Fine (max $100,000)

*if victim is under 16, prison time is 25-50 years

Penalty for being convicted of drug use

- you have 10 days to notify the board

- license will usually be suspended for AT LEAST 3 months (if a first offense), although it could be less based on board discretion

- board can decide on a lesser or harsher punishment if they choose

- if you don't notify board within 10 day, license will be revoked

- if 2nd offense = license revoked

*may get license back at discretion of board after undergoing treatment approved of by board

Reporting to Child Protective Services

"child" is anyone under 18

- abuse counts as physical, sexual, sexual exploitation or neglect

-physical discipline does not count as abuse if there is no physical injury to the child

- spiritual healing is not considered abuse

-You must report by notifying the person in charge of the facility and they will report to CPS

- Oral report must be made immiately (within 24 hrs) and a written report filed afterward

- person/entity making the report is immune from civil and criminal liability

***if you knowingly do not report you will be found guilty of a misdemeanor

-physicians, psychologists, nurses, counselors, MFT, LCSW all required to report

Reporting to Adult Protective Services

- notify the person in charge of the facility and they will contact APS

-report can be oral or written

-- person making the report and those who testify are immune from civil and criminal liability

- reports prepared by law enforcement agency must be filed within 24 hrs

Emergency Hospitalization

-must have personally examined the person wihin the past 48 hrs (as a provider) and determined them to need hospitalization for mental health reasons

- must issue a certificate which expires 7 days after executed

- a physician, nurse specialist, or LCSW can also do this

If the Board finds you unqualified or wants to take discplinary action, they can:

- refuse to grant your a license (or renew it)

- administer public or private reprimand

- suspend licese for a defined or indefinate time period

- limit or restrict license

- revoke license

- require care (for impairment)

- Fine (max $500)

- Fine for the cost of Board legal proceedings

When a licensee if subject of an investigation or inquiry

-all patient records can be admissible (used) in a hearing related to determiing if there was a violation (regardless of privledge) but records will be reviewed "in camera" and not disclosed to the public

- ppl who testify in good faith against a licensee are immune from civil and criminal liability for testifying

When a member of the public files a compliant against a licensee:

the person will be notified with 30 days of the descision what the decision was

Fines/Penalty for violating a cease and desist order (order to not practice)

- must have further interactions/investigation with board

- can be fined up to $500 per violation

- each day of unlicensed practice counts as a new violation (i.e. $500 a day)

Health service provider psychologist

a psychologist who:

- is currently licensed in GA

- eligible to be listed in national register or health service providers of psychology

- completed AT LEAST 2 years (1500 each) of SWE in health service (one year must be postdoctoral, and one year must be in an organized health service training program)

- must have LOTS of inpatient experience

* provides services to ppl whose functioning is impaired or at high risk of impairment (inpatient?)

CAN issue a "psychologist's order"

Psychologist's order

can make orders related to care, treatment, admission, and discharge to a medical facility or institution (cannot include ordering medication, nursing interventions, or medical procedures)

- can give these orders to nurses, nurses can execute a psychologist's order after conferring with the health service provider psychologist

Laws about waiving co-pays

it is ok for a provider to occasionally waive a deductible or copayment IF the waiver is authorized by the patient's insurance provider and if this is not common practice for the provider (psychologist)

HOWEVER, ethically you cannot advertise waiver of these thins

If a psychologist thinks that they themselves are impaired...

- MUST refrain from entering into new professional relationships

- MUST terminate the existing relationships in an appropriate and professional manner

- MUST notify the patient of termination in writing (I think in addition to in person if possible)

-MUST help patient find another provider

*Must submit written statement of impairment to board

Exceptions to obtaining Informed Content for Testing

- mandated by law

- part of a routine job/educational practice

- to assess decisional capacity

Rules for MD/DD internships

- clearly designated training director must be a licensed psychologist whose specialty is MD/DD or with considerable experience in MD/DD

- emphasis in training must be on behavioral analysis and appropriate assessment of MD/DD

- 250 hrs of internship MUST be in an organized interdisciplinary setting for ppl with MD/DD

- interns must get at least 2 hrs of individual in-person supervision per week

- supervisor or secondary supervisor must be on the premisis for emergencies

Supervision rules for Postdocs

- one hr of individual in-person supervision for every 30 SWE hrs, which must happen the same week as services or the following week (can happen via video conferencing)

- supervisor DOES NOT need to be on site

I/O supervision for postdocs only needs to happen for 4 hrs per months, at least 2 meetings per month

Fees for Board requests

Application Fees = $100 (for all licenses: new, endorsement, temp, and provisional)

Renewal/Reactivation/Reinstatement Fee = $250

Late Few for license renewal within 6 months of expiration = $375

*Returned check results in a $40 charge and misdeamenor

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