Healthstream Hazard Communication (PA)
1. All ofthe following chemicals are physical hazards EXCEPT:: Glutaraldehyde
TNT, compressed gasin a cylinder, and alcohols are all physical hazards.Glutaraldehyde is a
health hazard.
2. You can never use too much PPE when working with a hazardous chemicalthat has adverse
health effects: False
Excess PPE can create hazards such as heat stress. Excess PPE can also impairvision,
mobility, and communication.
3. The chemical hazard label indicates the class of hazard. It uses three majorcolor-coded
categories: Health (yellow), Flammability (red), and Instability (blue).: False
The label uses one of 9 pictograms to identify the hazard class.
4. If a product is an oxidizing agent, a pictogram will appear on thelabel.:
Flame Over Circle
An oxidizer is identified with the Flame Over Circle pictogram.
5. A product labeled with the Skull and Crossbones pictogram:: Hasthe potential for severe,
acute toxicity
The Skull andCrossbones pictogram indicatesthe potential forsevere, acute toxicity.
6. OSHA requires all employers to develop written hazard communicationprograms.: True
Under the Hazard Communication Standard, all employers are required to developwritten
hazard communication programs.
7. You are preparing to work with a chemical. Prior to opening the container,you inspect the
label for any special instructions or warnings.You notice thecorrosion pictogram on the
chemical hazard label.You are wearing prescrip-tion glasses, jeans, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes.
Based solely on this informa-tion, which of the following types of PPE should you consider
including in your PPE ensemble?: All of these
The corrosion pictogram indicates that the chemical is corrosive.A corrosive chem-ical is able
to destroy living tissue upon short- or long-term contact. Select PPE to protect the eyes and all
exposed skin. You need goggles for the eyes. Remember that prescription glasses are not a
substitute for goggles. You will also need glovesfor the skin of the hands.You should wear a lab
coat to protect the skin of your arms.
8. Regarding the local and systemic effects of toxic chemicals, all of the following are true
EXCEPT:: All toxic chemicals have both local and systemiceffects.
Toxic che
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