HESI A2 Version 2 Latest 2022 – 2023 100% CORRECT, SATISFACTIONS GUARANTEED 


HESI A2 Exam (Version 2 ) Latest 2022


1. What word meaning “once a year” fits best in the sentence?

The family reunion picnic was held at the Jones farm instead of the county park.

A. regular

B. annual

C. biennial

D. holiday

2. Docile is best defined as being .

A. defiant

B. disobedient

C. firm

D. compliant

3. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.





thepatient had an occluded artery, the physician decided to perform cardiovascular

A. Obstructed

B. Open

C. Broken

D. Cloudy

4. Select the word that means “an undesired problem that is the result of some other


The complication of the surgery caused the patient to remain in the hospital to have an

additional complement of testing procedures implemented.

A. Complication

B. Complement

C. Procedures

D. Implemented

5. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.


The dog developed bilateral weakness in its hindquarters, so the veterinarian created a wheeled

cart to help the dog walk.

A. Present on two sides

B. Available for exercise

C. Affecting the left side

D. Affecting the right side

6. Select the correct definition of the underlined word.

The doctor’s prognosis gave the patient and his family reason to feel optimistic about the


A. Instructions

B. Estimate

C. Behavior

D. Outcome statement

7. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.

The child developed a labile condition that worried the parents, so they brought the child to the

doctor’s office for a checkup.

A. Fevered

B. Volatile

C. Stomach

D. Vision

8. The nurse noted in the chart, “The patient is lethargic.” How was the patient


A. Pacing the halls, yelling at the staff

B. Difficult to arouse

C. Shaking uncontrollably

D. Not responding to painful stimuli

9. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. The doctor made an

initial examination of the patient.

A. Complete


B. First

C. Incomplete

D. Discharge

10. Select the word or phrase that will identify the correct meaning of the underlined

word. Progeny is a term used to describe a person’s

A. creditors

B. offspring

C. hereditary disease

D. health status

11. What is the best description for the word distal?

A. The part of the heart that receives blood from the lungs

B. Urgent

C. The part of the body farthest from the injury

D. Empathetic

12. Select the correct definition of the underlined word.

The incidence of smoking has decreased in recent years because of the effectiveness of

advertising campaigns.

A. Prestige

B. Glamour

C. Occurrence

D. Influence

13. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. When examined, the

laboring mother was at 50% dilation.


A. Blood pressure

B. Cervical opening

C. Birth process

D. Exhumation

14. Which word is not spelled correctly in the context of this sentence? The nurse went

form room to room looking for the missing patient.

A. patient

B. form

C. nurse

D. missing

15. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.

To alleviate his pain, the nurse gave the patient a PRN medication.

A. Pinpoint

B. Relocate

C. Eradicate

D. Reduce

16. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. Being bilingual is an

advantage for a nurse.

A. Able to speak more than one language

B. Able to use either hand with equal skill and ease

C. Not squeamish when seeing blood

D. Can remember everything that is read

17. What is the best description for the term fracture?

A. Break

B. Brake

C. Cut

D. Cure


18. Which word is not spelled correctly in the context of the sentence? The physician

thought it was unecessary to explain the procedure.

A. physician

B. unecessary

C. explain

D. procedure

19. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. Exogenous factors will

affect the patient’s well-being.

A. Produced outside the body

B. Produced within the body

C. Produced by the kidneys

D. Hereditary

20. To implement something is to .

A. prevent it from occurring

B. emphasize the importance of

C. cause it to happen

D. follow from beginning to end

21. Posterior refers to which part of the body?

A. Topmost

B. Lowermost

C. Front

D. Back

22. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. The precipitous change

was considered a good thing.

A. Difficult

B. Abrupt

C. Gentle

D. Unanticipated


23. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.

His untoward actions during the admission process created a problem for the nurse.

A. Violent

B. Casual

C. Unseemly

D. Capricious

24. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. It is important that the

bandage remain intact.

A. Dry

B. Whole

C. Uncovered

D. Secure

25. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. It is not wise to skimp on

personal hygiene.

A. Measures contributing to cleanliness and good health

B. Financial resources available through the employment department

C. Insurance

D. Friendliness

26. The patient fractured the lateral portion of the hip bone, which is known as the


A. ilium

B. ileum

C. icterus

D. ileus

27. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.

The parameters of medical ethics require the nurse to report instances ofsuspected child abuse.

A. Laws

B. Limits

C. Common sense

D. Structure


28. Select the correct order of words to fit in the sentence structure.

The nursing put the Band- on the wound to the nurse.

A. aid, aide, aide

B. aide, aid, aid

C. aid, aide, aid

D. aide, aid, aide

29. A person who is ravenous is .

A. generous

B. outspoken

C. friendly

D. hungry

30. Select the meaning of the underlined word in this sentence:

It is vital for the victim of a serious accident to receive medical attention immediately.

A. recommended

B. discouraged

C. essential

D. sufficient

31. What is the best description for the word insidious?

A. stealthy

B. deadly

C. collapsed

D. new

32. Select the word that means “take into the body.”

A. congest

B. ingest


C. collect

D. suppress

33. What is the meaning of the word proscribe?

A. anticipate

B. prevent

C. defeat

D. forbid

34. Select the meaning of the underlined word in this sentence.

Wracked by abdominal pain, the victim of food poisoning moaned and rubbed his distended


A. concave

B. sore

C. swollen

D. empty

35. Select the meaning of the underlined word in this sentence:

Despite the absence of overt signs, Dr. Harris suspected that Alicia might be suffering from

the flu.

A. concealed

B. apparent

C. expert

D. delectable

36. Select the word that means “something added to resolve a deficiency or obtain


A. supplement

B. complement

C. detriment

D. acumen


37. Select the word that means “a violent seizure.”

A. revelation

B. nutrient

C. contraption

D. paroxysm

38. What is the meaning of carnivore?

A. hungry

B. meat eating

C. infected

D. demented

39. What is the meaning of belligerent?

A. retired

B. sardonic

C. pugnacious

D. acclimated

40. Select the word that means “on both sides.”

A. bilateral

B. insufficient

C. bicuspid

D. congruent

41. Select the meaning of the underlined word in this sentence:

Dr. Grant ignored Mary’s particular symptoms, instead administering a holistic treatment for her


A. insensitive

B. ignorant

C. specialized

D. concerned with the whole rather than the parts


42. What is the best description for the word suppress?

A. stop

B. push up

C. release

D. strain

43. Select the word that means “about to happen.”

A. depending

B. offending

C. suspending

D. impending

44. Select the meaning of the underlined word in this sentence:

The dermatologist was struck by the symmetric patterns of scarring on the patient’s back.

A. scabbed

B. painful to the touch

C. occurring in corresponding parts at the same time

D. geometric

45. Select the word that means “open.”

A. inverted

B. patent

C. convent

D. converted

46. Select the meaning of the underlined word in this sentence:

Despite an increase in the volume of his urine, the patient still reported bloating.

A. quality

B. length

C. quantity

D. loudness


47. What is the meaning of repugnant?

A. destructive

B. selective

C. collective

D. offensive

48. Select the word that means “enlarge.”

A. dilate

B. protrude

C. confuse

D. occlude

49. What is the best description for the word intact?

A. collapsed

B. disconnected

C. unbroken

D. free

50. Select the word that means “the ability to enter, contact, or approach.”

A. ingress

B. excess

C. access

D. success




Doppler Effect

Have you ever wondered why the whistle of a traveling, distant locomotive predicts its approach

several yards before anyone actually sees it? Or why an oncoming ambulance’s screaming siren

is heard momentarily several feet before the ambulance comes into full view, before it passes

you, and why its siren is still heard faintly well after the ambulance is out of sight?

What you are witnessing is a scientific phenomenon known as the Doppler Effect. What takes

place is truly remarkable. In both of these instances, when the train or ambulance moves toward

the sound waves in front of it, the sound waves are pulled closer together and have a higher

frequency. In either instance, the listener positioned in front of the moving object hears a higher

pitch. The ambulance and locomotive are progressively moving away from the sound waves

behind them, causing the waves to be farther apart and to have a lower frequency. These fastapproaching modes of transportation distance themselves past the listener, who hears a lower


1. Which statement is not listed as a detail in the passage?

A. The oncoming sound waves have a higher pitch because of high frequency and closeness

of waves.

B. The oncoming sound waves have a higher pitch because of low frequency and closeness

of waves.

C. The whistling sound of the locomotive as it approaches and passes can be explained by

the Doppler effect.

D. The high-pitched sound of the ambulance as it approaches and passes can be explained

by the Doppler effect.

2. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Trains and ambulances make distinctly loud noises.

B. Low-frequency waves make high-pitched sounds.

C. High-frequency waves make low-pitched sounds.

D. The Doppler Effect explains the rationale for why sound is heard initially more strongly

and then faintly after a moving object has passed.

3. What is the meaning of the word phenomenon in the second paragraph?

A. Something that is lifeless to the senses


B. Something that is nonchalant

C. Something that is significant but unusual

D. Something that is chemical in origin

4. What is the author’s primary purpose in writing this essay?

A. To entertain the reader with information about trains and ambulances

B. To inform the reader about avoiding accidents, which involve trains and ambulances

C. To inform the reader about how movement affects sound

D. To analyze the difference between train and ambulance sounds

5. Which sound waves have a higher pitch?

A. Those waves that are closer together

B. Those waves that are farther apart

C. Those waves that travel a long distance

D. Those waves that travel a short distance

6. Which sound waves have a lower pitch?

A. Those waves that are closer together

B. Those waves that are farther apart

C. Those waves that travel a long distance

D. Those waves that travel a short distance


Beep!…Beep!…Beep! is the audible rhythmic sound made as the strength of the heart muscle is

measured. The signal cadence has a characteristic record that varies in every individual. This

record is called an electrocardiogram, or ECG.

In the body, an array of systemic neural responses constantly occur, emitting electric currents.

The electric currents can be detected on the surface of the body, and if a person is hooked to an

amplifier, these impulses are recorded by an electrocardiograph.

Most of the information obtained is about the heart because the heart sends out electric currents

in waves. This “wave of excitation” spreads through the heart wall and is accompanied by

electric changes. The wave takes place in three distinct steps.

Initially, the “wave of excitation” accompanied by an electric change lasts for approximately 1

to 2 seconds after the contraction of the cardiac muscle. The electric impulses are discharged


rhythmically from the sinoatrial (SA) node, the pacemaker of the heart. This spread of excitation

over the muscle of the atrium indicates that the atrium has contracted.

Next, the peak of the ECG reading is due to the atrioventricular (AV) node, causing the

ventricle to become excited.

Finally, the ventricles relax, and any changes in the wave indicate to trained medical staff any

abnormalities within the heart.

7. What is the author’s primary purpose in writing the essay?

A. To persuade the reader to have an ECG

B. To entertain the reader with a heart-warming story

C. To inform the reader how an electrocardiograph reads the electric currents emitted by the


D. To analyze the difference in the SA node and the AV node

8. Which statement is not listed as a detail within the passage?

A. Changes in the ECG are typically used for diagnosis of abnormal cardiac rhythm.

B. The signal has a characteristic record called the electrocardiogram.

C. The “wave of excitation” starts at the SA node.

D. The “wave of excitation” spreads through the heart wall and is accompanied by electric


9. What is the meaning of the word emitting as it is used in the second paragraph?

A. Repelling

B. Releasing

C. Closing

D. Charging

10. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Electric currents within the body are due to electrostatic charges set off by the heart.

B. The ECG systematically and quickly measures the stages at which the “wave of

excitation” occurs within the heart and records them.

C. The “wave of excitation” is detected on the surface of the body and is used to measure

the atrial excitation of the heart.


D. The electric currents within the body are in direct relation to the “wave of excitation”

measured by the ECG.

11. What is the best summary of the passage?

A. Electric currents within the body are due to electrostatic charges set off by the heart.

Medical staff are trained to recognize any abnormalities within the heart.

B. Every individual has unique electric currents on the surface of the body. The ECG

measures and records these electric currents.

C. The ECG systematically and rather quickly measures the stages at which the “wave of

excitation” occurs within the heart and records them. This wave has three distinct steps that

spread from the SA node to the AV node.

D. The ECG measures the electric currents within the body. These currents are detected on

the surface of the body when the body is connected to an amplifier.

12. What are the three steps of the “wave of excitation”?

A. The discharge from the SA node, the peak ECG, and the excitement of the ventricle.

B. The excitement of the ventricle, the relaxing of the ventricle, and the systemic neural


C. The contraction of the atrium, the relaxation of the atrium, and the contraction of the


D. The excitation of the atrium, the excitement of the ventricle, and the relaxing of the


Blood Pressure Regulators

The body is composed of systems that have evolved and diversified in order to maintain the

natural functions and processes they regulate. One such system that has these regulators is the

body’s cardiovascular system. The body’s pump, which regulates the flow of vitally needed

oxygen to all cells of the body, as well as the discard of carbon dioxide and other waste

products, is the heart.

Because blood pressure varies at different points within the body, differing components are

needed to keep the body’s blood pressure regulated. Three of the basic components are

baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, and the kidneys.

Baroreceptors are stretch receptors composed of fine branching nerve endings and are contained

along the walls of the arteries near the heart and in other areas of the body as well. Impulses

are related to this stretching along the arterial walls, which causes these baroreceptors to send

out even more impulses to the heart, arteries, and veins, causing the blood pressure to go either

up or down.


Chemoreceptors are located along the walls of the arteries and monitor changes in oxygen level,

carbon dioxide, and pH. Just think! A fall in oxygen causes receptors to send impulses to raise

the blood pressure.

The kidneys play a role in regulating blood pressure by absorbing salts and water and removing

wastes. Hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex cause the kidney to keep or let go of any salt

and water. This has an influence on blood volume and consequently on blood pressure.

13. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Blood pressure can be treated only by monitoring baroreceptors.

B. Blood pressure can be treated only by monitoring chemoreceptors.

C. Blood pressure can be treated only by monitoring the kidneys.

D. Blood pressure can be regulated through baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, and the


14. Which statement is not a detail from the passage?

A. Baroreceptors are rigid and static nerve endings that are contained along the arterial

walls and send out messages along the nerve pathway.

B. Chemoreceptors are located along the walls of the arteries and monitor changes in

oxygen level.

C. The kidneys play a role in regulating blood pressure by absorbing salts and water.

D. The heart is the body’s pump, which regulates the flow of vitally needed oxygen to cells

of the body.

15. What is the meaning of the word evolved in the first paragraph?

A. To spread

B. To gradually develop

C. To revolve

D. To shift

16. What is the writer’s primary purpose in writing this essay?

A. To inform the reader about the dangers of high blood pressure

B. To inform the reader how high blood pressure leads to a higher risk of heart attack

C. To inform the reader how the cardiovascular system regulates blood pressure

D. To persuade the reader that controlling one’s blood pressure is important


17. What is the best summary of this passage?

A. The body’s pump, the heart, regulates the flow of oxygen to all cells of the body and

discards waste products that include carbon dioxide. The kidneys help in this process by

absorbing salts and water.

B. There are several systems to maintain the natural functions and processes of the body.

One system is the cardiovascular system, which regulates blood pressure through baroreceptors,

chemoreceptors, and the kidneys.

C. Baroreceptors help regulate blood pressure and are found along the wall of the arteries.

Baroreceptors send out impulses to the heart, arteries, and veins, resulting in the lowering or

raising of blood pressure.

D. Chemoreceptors monitor changes in oxygen level that affect blood pressure.

18. What is a major difference in the way baroreceptors and chemoreceptors work from the

way the kidneys work?

A. Baroreceptors and chemoreceptors both work within the wall of the arteries sending out

impulses to raise or lower blood pressure, whereas the kidneys help control blood volume.

B. Baroreceptors and chemoreceptors both work to help maintain blood volume, whereas

the kidneys take care of salts, water, and waste removal.

C. Baroreceptors and chemoreceptors must work together to control blood pressure,

whereas the kidneys work with the adrenal cortex.

D. Baroreceptors and chemoreceptors are both located near the adrenal cortex, whereas the

kidneys are located near the heart.

Questions 19 to 24 pertain to the following passage:

The immune system is a network of cells, tissues, and organs that defends the body against

attacks by foreign invaders. These invaders are primarily microbes—tiny organisms such as

bacteria, parasites, and fungi—that can cause infections. Viruses also cause infections, but are

too primitive to be classified as living organisms. The human body provides an ideal

environment for many microbes. It is the immune system’s job to keep the microbes out or

destroy them.

The immune system is amazingly complex. It can recognize and remember millions of different

enemies, and it can secrete fluids and cells to wipe out nearly all of them. The secret to its

success is an elaborate and dynamic communications network. Millions of cells, organized into

sets and subsets, gather and transfer information in response to an infection. Once immune cells

receive the alarm, they produce powerful chemicals that help to regulate their own growth and

behavior, enlist other immune cells, and direct the new recruits to trouble spots.

Although scientists have learned much about the immune system, they continue to puzzle over

how the body destroys invading microbes, infected cells, and tumors without harming healthy


tissues. New technologies for identifying individual immune cells are now allowing scientists to

determine quickly which targets are triggering an immune response. Improvements in

microscopy are permitting the first-ever observations of living B cells, T cells, and other cells as

they interact within lymph nodes and other body tissues.

In addition, scientists are rapidly unraveling the genetic blueprints that direct the human

immune response, as well as those that dictate the biology of bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

The combination of new technology with expanded genetic information will no doubt reveal

even more about how the body protects itself from disease.

19. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Scientists fully understand the immune system.

B. The immune system triggers the production of fluids.

C. The body is under constant invasion by malicious microbes.

D. The immune system protects the body from infection.

20. Which statement is not a detail from the passage?

A. Most invaders of the body are microbes.

B. The immune system relies on excellent communication.

C. Viruses are extremely sophisticated.

D. The cells of the immune system are organized.

21. What is the meaning of the word ideal as it is used in the first paragraph?

A. thoughtful

B. confined

C. hostile

D. perfect

22. Which statement is not a detail from the passage?

A. Scientists can now see T cells.

B. The immune system ignores tumors.

C. The ability of the immune system to fight disease without harming the body remains


D. The immune system remembers millions of different invaders.


23. What is the meaning of the word enlist as it is used in the second paragraph?

A. call into service

B. write down

C. send away

D. put across

24. What is the author’s primary purpose in writing the essay?

A. to persuade

B. to analyze

C. to inform

D. to entertain

Questions 25 to 28 pertain to the following passage:

The federal government regulates dietary supplements through the United States Food and Drug

Administration (FDA). The regulations for dietary supplements are not the same as those for

prescription or over-the-counter drugs. In general, the regulations for dietary supplements are

less strict.

To begin with, a manufacturer does not have to prove the safety and effectiveness of a dietary

supplement before it is marketed. A manufacturer is permitted to say that a dietary supplement

addresses a nutrient deficiency, supports health, or is linked to a particular body function (such

as immunity), if there is research to support the claim. Such a claim must be followed by the

words “This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This

product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”

Also, manufacturers are expected to follow certain good manufacturing practices (GMPs) to

ensure that dietary supplements are processed consistently and meet quality standards.

Requirements for GMPs went into effect in 2008 for large manufacturers and are being phased

in for small manufacturers through 2010.

Once a dietary supplement is on the market, the FDA monitors safety and product information,

such as label claims and package inserts. If it finds a product to be unsafe, it can take action

against the manufacturer and/or distributor and may issue a warning or require that the product

be removed from the marketplace. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is responsible for

regulating product advertising; it requires that all information be truthful and not misleading.

The federal government has taken legal action against a number of dietary supplement

promoters or Web sites that promote or sell dietary supplements because they have made false

or deceptive statements about their products or because marketed products have proven to be



25. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Manufacturers of dietary supplements have to follow good manufacturing practices.

B. The FDA has a special program for regulating dietary supplements.

C. The federal government prosecutes those who mislead the general public.

D. The FDA is part of the federal government.

26. Which statement is not a detail from the passage?

A. Promoters of dietary supplements can make any claims that are supported by research.

B. GMP requirements for large manufacturers went into effect in 2008.

C. Product advertising is regulated by the FTC.

D. The FDA does not monitor products after they enter the market.

27. What is the meaning of the phrase phased in as it is used in the third paragraph?

A. stunned into silence

B. confused

C. implemented in stages

D. legalized

28. What is the meaning of the word deceptive as it is used in the fifth paragraph?

A. misleading

B. malicious

C. illegal

D. irritating

Questions 29 to 32 pertain to the following passage:

Foodborne illnesses are contracted by eating food or drinking beverages contaminated with

bacteria, parasites, or viruses. Harmful chemicals can also cause foodborne illnesses if they have

contaminated food during harvesting or processing. Foodborne illnesses can cause symptoms

ranging from upset stomach to diarrhea, fever, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and dehydration.

Most foodborne infections are undiagnosed and unreported, though the Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention estimates that every year about 76 million people in the United States

become ill from pathogens in food. About 5,000 of these people die.

Harmful bacteria are the most common cause of foodborne illness. Some bacteria may be

present at the point of purchase. Raw foods are the most common source of foodborne illnesses


because they are not sterile; examples include raw meat and poultry contaminated during

slaughter. Seafood may become contaminated during harvest or processing. One in 10,000 eggs

may be contaminated with Salmonella inside the shell. Produce, such as spinach, lettuce,

tomatoes, sprouts, and melons, can become contaminated with Salmonella, Shigella, or

Escherichia coli (E. coli). Contamination can occur during growing, harvesting, processing,

storing, shipping, or final preparation. Sources of produce contamination vary, as these foods

are grown in soil and can become contaminated during growth, processing, or distribution.

Contamination may also occur during food preparation in a restaurant or a home kitchen. The

most common form of contamination from handled foods is the calicivirus, also called the

Norwalk-like virus.

When food is cooked and left out for more than two hours at room temperature, bacteria can

multiply quickly. Most bacteria don’t produce an odor or change in color or texture, so they can

be impossible to detect. Freezing food slows or stops bacteria’s growth, but does not destroy the

bacteria. The microbes can become reactivated when the food is thawed. Refrigeration also can

slow the growth of some bacteria. Thorough cooking is required to destroy the bacteria.

29. What is the subject of the passage?

A. foodborne illnesses

B. the dangers of uncooked food

C. bacteria

D. proper food preparation

30. Which statement is not a detail from the passage?

A. Every year, more than 70 million Americans contract some form of foodborne illness.

B. Once food is cooked, it cannot cause illness.

C. Refrigeration can slow the growth of some bacteria.

D. The most common form of contamination in handled foods is calicivirus.

31. What is the meaning of the word pathogens as it is used in the first paragraph?

A. diseases

B. vaccines

C. disease-causing substances

D. foods

32. What is the meaning of the word sterile as it is used in the second paragraph?

A. free of bacteria


B. healthy

C. delicious

D. impotent

The Water Cycle

Water is needed to sustain practically all life functions on planet Earth. A single drop of this

compound is composed of an o

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