• Nursing ethical principles
o Autonomy
o Beneficence
o Fidelity
o Justice
o Nonmaleficience
o Veracity
• Intentional torts
o Assault
o Battery
o False imprisonment
• Unintentional torts (didn’t intend to harm patient but you did)
o Negligence- forgetting to set the bed alarm for a fall risk patient
o Malpractice- medication error occurs that harms a patient
• Informed Consent
o Responsibility of the provider
▪ Purpose and complete description of procedure in patient’s
primary language
▪ Risks vs. benefits
▪ Describe alternatives
o Responsibility of the nurse
▪ Make sure provider did give all info needed
▪ Patient is competent
▪ Patient sign consent document
• If pt has further questions call provider and have them
come back and explain things further BEFORE they sign
the form
• Advance Directives
o Living will
o Durable power of attorney (health care proxy)
o Provider’s orders- for DNR AND (allow natural death)
o Mandatory Reporting—must report suspicion of abuse
▪ Don’t wait just report it right away
▪ Report communicable disease to local and state departments
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