What are the two major divisions of the skeletal system? - ANSWER axial
skeleton and appendicular skeleton
The skull, spine, sternum, and ribs are part of what division of the skeletal system?
- ANSWER Axial
The girdles, arms, and legs are part of what division of the skeletal system? -
ANSWER Appendicular
The tympanic cavity is located in the... - ANSWER Ear
What part of the skull contains the ossicles - ANSWER Tympanic Cavity
These bones of the skull; frontal, ethmoidal, sphenoidal, and maxillary are called
the... - ANSWER Paranasal Sinuses
Another name for the spine is... - ANSWER Vertebral Column
The vertebral column consists of how many regions? - ANSWER 5 regions
The 5 regions of the spine are... - ANSWER 1. Cervical Vertebrae 2. Thoracic
Vertebrae, 3. Lumbar Vertebrae, 4. Sacrum, 5. Coccyx
The Cervical Vertebrae consists of how many bones? - ANSWER 7
The Thoracic Vertebrae consists of how many bones? - ANSWER 12
The Lumbar Vertebrae consists of how many bones? - ANSWER 5
The Sacrum consists of how many bones? - ANSWER 1 sacrum in the vertebral
column ; consists of 5 bones
The Coccyx consists of how many bones? - ANSWER 1 coccyx in the vertebral
column ; consists of 4 bones.
The special cartilage discs which helps protect each vertebrae are called... -
ANSWER Intervertebral discs
How many pairs of ribs are there - ANSWER 12
Ribs are connected to sternum by - ANSWER costal cartilage
The ribs are connected to what part of the vertebral column? - ANSWER Thoracic
What are the four regions of the sternum? - ANSWER 1. Manubrium 2. Body 3.
Sternomanubrial joint 4. Xiphoid process
Ribs 1-7 are called - ANSWER true ribs
Ribs 8-10 are called - ANSWER false ribs
Ribs 11 and 12 are called - ANSWER floating ribs
What are the two Girdles of the appendicular skeleton that are responsible for
attachment of the arms and legs? - ANSWER Pectoral and Pelvic
Which bones make up the pectoral girdle? - ANSWER clavicle and scapula
Is the sacrum part of the pelvic girdle or the vertebral column? - ANSWER
Vertebral column
What bones make up the pelvic girdle? - ANSWER ilium, ischium, pubis
Where do you find long bones? - ANSWER In the appendicular skeleton / arms
and legs
Bone is a form of connective tissue, specifically ____________________ tissue ? -
ANSWER Osseous tissue
The process of bone formations is called - ANSWER Ossification
The matrix of osseous tissue is made up of 3 main things: - ANSWER 1. Calcium 2.
Phosphate 3. Collagen
Osteo means? - ANSWER Bone
What matures bone cells? - ANSWER osteocytes
What build up bone? - ANSWER osteoblasts
What breaks down bone? - ANSWER osteoclasts
Where do we find bone marrow - ANSWER Inside the bones
Red bone marrow makes - ANSWER red blood cells
Red bone marrow in the ____________________ part of the bone. - ANSWER
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