K and Pre K Grade Level 1. A hill is little; a mountain is ___? Small Big Medium Average 2. 5 is a number and A is a ___? Numeral Adding Letter A thing 3. A bed is soft; a table is ___? Hard Soft Furry Hairy 4. Look at this picture. An important part of it is missing. What's missing? A hole A handle A spout steam 5. Which person is going to a birthday party? Top left picture Top right picture Bottom left picture Bottom right picture 1st and 2nd Grade Level 6. You eat with your mouth, you hear with your ___? head ears foot eyes 7. Bananas are fruit; green beans are ___? Food Beans Vegetables Fruit 8. Movies are for watching, books are for ___? Listening to Watching Reading Seeing 9. Winter is cold; summer is ___? hot warm breezy fresh 10. What is green and used to pay for things; it can be made of paper or metal? coins money dollar bills yarn 3rd and 4th Grade Level 11. What happens to water that freezes?
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