“A state manifested by a specific syndrome of the body, developed in a response to any stimuli that made an
intense systemic demand on it” (Selye, 1956)
“A person experiences stress when a demand exceeds a person’s coping abilities, resulting in reactions such as
disturbances of cognition, emotion, and behaviour that can adversely affect well-being” (McCance & Huether
Review of the Adrenal Gland:
There are three main layers of the adrenal gland
1. Capsule: Tough fiberous capsule enclosed in fat for protection
2. Adrenal cortex (80-90% of gland): has three zones and secretes three types of steroid hormones
(synthesized from acetate & cholesterol): glucocorticoids, mineralcorticoids and adrenal androgens.
3. Adrenal medulla (10-20% of gland): contains nervous tissue which is part of the sympathetic
nervous system and secretes Epi and NE
Adrenal Cortex
There are three layers of the adrenal
1. Zona glomerulosa:
- Outer most layer of the adrenal cortex
- Produces primarily aldosterone (95% of minero-corticoid produced is in this form)
2. Zona fasciculate
- Middle layer of the adrenal cortex
- Produces primarily cortisol (95% of glucocorticoids), cortisone and corticosterone
3. Zona reticularis:
- Inner most layer
- Adrenal androgens (i.e. gonadocorticoids) are made here
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