ISA Arborist Study Guide Sample test
Bark, phloem, cambium, xylem - When cutting through a tree with a chain saw or drilling
into a tree, you would pass through (in order)
Growth may be stimulated in lateral buds - If the terminal bud is removed in pruning:
The growth rings of a tree: - Visible because of the rapid growth rate of earlywood relative
to latewood, can be counted on to approximate trees age, can give information about
growth conditions in previous years.
Cambium - layer of cells is responsible for outward growth and increased girth of tree.
Mycorrhizae are: - A symbiotic relationship between fungi and roots.
Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) differs from balsam fir (Abies balsamea) in that: -
They are not in the same genus.
Opposite leaf arrangement is: - When two leaves and/or buds are located at the same node
on a twig.
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