Which of the serum laboratory findings are present in the client with Cushing's
Correct answer- Increased cortisol, HYPERnatremia, and HYPOkalemia
Alice, age 48, has a benign thyroid nodule. The most common treatment involves:
Correct answer- Watchful waiting with an annual follow-up
ACE inhibitors are given to clients with diabetes who have Correct answer- persistent
A newly diagnosed client with diabetes who has an HbA1c of 7.5 is started on
therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC) and medical nutritional therapy (MNT). Which oral
antidiabetic agent is recommended as monotherapy?
Correct answer- metformin
An elderly client with hyperthyroidism may present with atypical symptoms. Which of the
following manifestations are commonly seen in the elderly with hyperthyroidism?
Correct answer- a-fib, depression, weight loss
Diane has had Cushing's disease for 20 years and has been taking hydrocortisone
since her diagnosis. Today, she appears with a thick trunk and thin extremities. She has
a "moon face," a "buffalo hump," thin skin with visible capillaries, and a number of
bruises that appear to be slow in healing. To what do you attribute these symptoms?
Correct answer- excessive levels of cortisol
The following is a client's self-monitoring blood glucose log. The client receives 20 units
Novolin 70/30 in the morning (a.m.) and 20 units Novolin 70/30 in the evening (p.m.):
Fasting a.m. pre-dinner: 90, 150, 105, 144, 101, 172, 98, 201. What changes would you
Correct answer- increase A.M. insulin
Dan, age 45, is obese and has type 2 diabetes. He has been having trouble getting his
glycohemoglobin under control. He's heard that exenatide (Byetta) causes weight loss
and wants to try it. What do you tell him?
Correct answer- "Let's try it. You're glycohemoglobin will be lowered and you may lose
Which is the only treatment option that is curative for primary hyperparathyroidism?
Correct answer- parathyroidectomy
The most common worldwide cause of hypothyroidism is:
Correct answer- iodine deficiency
What should be assessed for during exam on pt with HYPOparathyroidism?
Correct answer- chvostek's sign
Morton has Type 2 diabetes. His treatment, which includes diet, exercise, and oral
antidiabetic agents, is insufficient to achieve acceptable glycemic control. Your next
course of action is to
Joy has gout. In teaching her about her disease, which food do you tell her is allowed in
her diet?
Correct answer- Broccoli
What controls the amount of calcium in the blood?
Correct answer- Parathyroid
Thyroid hormones regulate
Correct answer- metabolism
Which tests should you order to confirm a diagnosis of hypothyroidism?
Correct answer- t3 & Free T4 (preferred over T4)
What are the hallmark signs of Grave's disease?
Correct answer- enlarged thyroid and increased T3
What is the gold standard screening for thyroid TUMOR/NODULE?
Correct answer- ULTRASOUND
What is the diagnostic screening for thyroid cancer?
Correct answer- FINE NEEDLE BIOPSY
What is the preferred treatment of Grave's disease in pregnancy
Correct answer- Propylthiouracil (PTU):
Before starting anti-thyroid meds what should be checked?
Correct answer- LIVER FUNCTIONS
what is the goal of thyroid treatment
Correct answer- euthyroid state
What are signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism overtreatment?
Correct answer- hyperglycemia; cardiac arrhythmias (Afib); adrenal insufficiency;
increased myxedema.
Hyperthyroidism causes an excessive secretion of which thyroid hormones?
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