What are the 3 areas considered when looking at safety implications for the driver? -
ANSWER-Physical, Mental, and current medical treatment
What aspects of physical symptoms should be considered by the medical examiner? -
ANSWER-Symptoms - does a benign underlying condition have symptoms that interfere
with driving?
Incapacitation - is the onset of symptoms too rapid to be considered safe?
What aspects of mental symptoms should be considered by the medical examiner? -
ANSWER-Cognitive - can the driver process visual clues at an appropriate rate?
Behavioral - is the driver's behavior appropriate and non-violent?
What aspects of medical treatment should be considered by the medical examiner? -
ANSWER-Effects - safer on the medication than off the medication?
Side effects - do they interfere with safe driving?
Section one of the medical examination report is filled out by whom? who is responsible
for the accuracy of this information? - ANSWER-driver; ME
Section two of the ME report is the health history. is the doctor required to discuss any
portion of this section? - ANSWER-Yes, any box that is checked "yes" must be
What should the doctor ask if "head/brain injuries" is checked "yes" - ANSWERdetermine if the symptoms come in recurring episodes or if there are any residual
physical, cognitive, or behavioral effects
What should the doctor ask if "Seizures/epilepsy" is checked "yes" - ANSWER-- does
the patient have a dx of epilepsy? (2+ unprovoked seizures) - this is disqualifying
- write down type, duration, fq, and date
What should the doctor ask if "eye disorders" is checked "yes" - ANSWER-ask about
glare issues, changes in vision, dx, etc.
What should the doctor ask if "ear disorders" is checked "yes" - ANSWER-changes in
hearing, ringing, balance issues, dizziness, etc
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