3 reasons supporting the idea that HRT in early menopause may decrease a woman's chance of developing alzheimer's disease?
1. Observational studies imply it
2. Clinical trial of transdermal estradiol during the early postmenopause stage is associated with reductions in AD pathology.
3. 18 year cumulative follow up data from WHI found that women randomized to ET had significantly lower risk of dying from AD or dementia compared with women randomized to receive placebo.
Antral follicle count
Number of follicles that are detectable with ultrasound.
They are sensitive to FSH and considered to represent the availability poo of follicles.
Aldosterone secretion from the zona reticularis in the adrenal gland is regulated by 3 main factors.
Angiotensin II, potassium concentration, adrenocorticotropic hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary.
all adults born from what year to what year should recieve one time hep c testing?
1945 to 1965
AMH, inhibin B
These hormones work during reproductive years to not deplete follicle pool too quickly.
produced by...
used to test...
Is it a screening tool for fertility?
When does it peak?
produced by granulosa cells
used to test damage to ovarian follicle reserve. If AMH is low, the woman has a low ovarian reserve.
not recommended as a screening tool to predict fertility.
Peaks at around 25 years old. So before age 25, this test is not helpful.
It is influenced by exogenous hormones. Lower in hormonal contraception users, but increases after d/cing.
Anyone <40years>
pregnancy test