NASM/ AFAA Group Fitness Instructor Exam (Latest 2024/ 2025 Update) 100% Correct| Questions and Verified Answers| Grade A

central nervous system

Periperal nervous system



Which of the following refers to the weight and movements placed on the body?

Which of the following refers to a complete movement of a particular exercise?

Which statement is true regarding the relationship between load and volume?

Which of the following is another term for the stretch-shortening cycle?

Which of the following is a true statement about a set in a training program?

The rate of force production relates to the ability of muscles to do which of the following?

Which of the following best describes the muscle action for muscles of the movement system during bracing?

Which of the following is true of balance?

Which of the following types of fitness refers to a comprehensive training approach that incorporates all forms of exercise as part of a progressive system?

Which of the following is a sign of overtraining?



Type 1 (slow twitch)

Type 2 (fast twitch)

Behavioral properties of muscle

Non-synovial joints

synovial joints

gliding joint

condyloid joint

hinge joint

saddle joint


ball and socket joint


axial skeleton

appendicular skeleton

skeletal system functions


right atrium

left atrium


right ventricle

left ventricle

sinoatrial (SA) node



stroke volume

heart rate

functions of blood

respiratory pump

Which statement is true regarding incomplete proteins?

Which of the following refers to a straightening movement in which the relative angle between two adjacent segments increases?

Which of the following is true of the left ventricle?

Which of the following is a function of heart rate and stroke volume?

Which of the following refers to the amount of blood pumped out of the heart with each contraction?

In times of starvation, or when carbohydrate stores are depleted, the body can create new glucose from alternate substances, such as amino acids, lactate, glycerol, or pyruvate. What is this process called?

What is the recommended intake of water post-exercise?

Which of the following refers to a movement in the frontal plane away from the midline of the body?

Which of the following refers to the down stroke of the cycle?

At what point can dehydration start to affect exercise capacity and exercise performance?

Which of the following is a life-sustaining fluid that supplies the body's organs and cells with oxygen and nutrients and helps regulate body temperature, fight infections, and remove waste products?

Which of the following populations should avoid hot and humid environments?

Which of the following types of fitness refers to a comprehensive training approach that incorporates all forms of exercise as part of a progressive system?

Which of the following refers to a unit of expression of energy equal to 1,000 calories?

Which of the following is characteristic of heat exhaustion?

Which statement best describes anaerobic metabolism?

Which term refers to the inferior chamber of the heart that receives blood from its corresponding atrium and, in turn, forces blood into the arteries?

Which of the following are a group of compounds that include triglycerides and sterols?

Which of the following best describes tolerable upper intake level?

Which is a characteristic of muscle spindles?

What does the principle of specificity state?

Exercise should not take place in environments where the AQI (Air Quality Index) is higher than which of the following?

What is a common overactive muscle that could be included during static stretching?

Which of the following is an appropriate training concept for a participant with osteoporosis ?

Which of the following is a sign of overtraining?

Which of the following is a muscle that is commonly underactive in the head and neck?

Which of the following is a disaccharide?

Which of the following activation refers to the production of a force when a muscle develops tension while shortening in length?

What of the following is the actual process of moving air in and out of the body and requires optimal functioning of the respiratory pump and all its components?

Where is glycogen typically stored?

What exercise should be avoided for women after 12 weeks of pregnancy?

When teaching adults over 65, what should be the instructor's emphasis in class?

Cardiac output is represented by which of the following formulas?

Within muscle fibers, there are two long protein filaments that slide past each other to produce muscular contractions. What are these filaments called?

Which of the following is another term for the stretch-shortening cycle?

Neurons are composed of which of the following?

The rate of force production relates to the ability of muscles to do which of the following?

In addition to improved quality of life and weight loss, which of the following is a another health benefit of fitness?

Which component of a workout is designed to increase the core body temperature?

Which of the following is an appropriate BPM for an aqua or seniors class?

What is a proper progression for a burpee?

Which best describes the term modality?

When an instructor creates a new workout for a specific class, they should define the class objectives by considering which of the following first?

Which of the following terms refers to a Group Fitness Instructor offering an incremental increase in exercise intensity or difficulty?

Which of the following describes the concept of integrated fitness?

Effective participant arrangements include which of the following?

How does movement prep compare to the traditional warm-up?

Which of the following modifications is a progression to increase intensity?

Which of the following should be included in the movement prep segment of a resistance class focused on the lower body?

Which of the following safely takes participants through a gradual physiological change from exertion to rest?

Which of the following is the primary purpose of stabilization training?

Modality focus should align with which of the following?

In a cycle class, intensity is best created by manipulating which of the following factors?

Which of the following terms refers to the teaching method where a class template provides the overall class direction and standards while allowing instructors to manipulate other variables within those standards?

How often should instructors plan movement accommodations?

Which of the following is a basic regression option for a kneeling push-up?

Which of the following is appropriate for the movement prep segment of a cycle workout?

What is the proper regression for camel pose?

Changing to a step-touch from a grapevine is an example of a modification that decreases which of the following?

The first beat of a musical measure, and often the starting point for a movement, is referred to as which of the following?

To overload the cardiorespiratory system, achieve the desired adaptations, and improve cardiovascular fitness, which type of training may be employed?

Which statement best describes the differences between pre-choreographed, predesigned, and freestyle teaching methods?

Which of the following is a benefit for participants who attend pre-designed classes?

In a HIIT class with repetitive jumping activities, which of the following exercises would be most important to include as movement prep?

Which of the following is an appropriate exercise progression for prone iso-abs?

Which of the following best represents the downbeat of a song?

Which of the following terms refers to a Group Fitness Instructor offering step-by-step decreases in exercise intensity or difficulty?

Group Fitness Instructors should aim to keep music volume to no higher than what decibel (dB) level?

Which statement is true regarding the relationship between load and volume?

What is the maximum amount of time a good introduction should take?

Which term refers to a pattern of repeated movement or sound?

Three-dimensional cueing is a communication strategy that incorporates which of the following cue types?

Which of the following exercise is contraindicated in the group fitness setting?

Which is an effective method for teaching a movement that helps ensure participant safety?

Which special population may experience significant decreased joint stability due to an increase in relaxin?

In what type of teaching style must an instructor cue while facing participants?

Which represents the best way for a Group Fitness Instructor cue a SMART class goal during the intro?

Which action best represents a participant currently in the preparation stage of the Transtheoretical Model?

If a participant is uncomfortable or unable to perform a burpee with proper form and technique, which of the following is an appropriate regression to help the participant feel successful?

Which of the following is an example of an extrinsic motivational factor?

Which of the following is a technique used to verbally express or validate how hard a participant feels he or she is working during exercise?

Which of the following best describes one-way communication?

Which of the following is true regarding the Borg RPE scale?

Which of the following activates the core through the pulling of the navel towards the spine?

Which of the following terms refers to using various forms of verbal and nonverbal feedback to elicit a corrective change in the most encouraging manner possible?

Which term describes performance of an activity for the inherent satisfaction of the activity itself?

Which of the following represents the best way to regress an exercise?

While teaching a class, your microphone suddenly stops working. Which of the following options is the best way to maintain class flow?

How would you correct a participant whose hips are bouncing in the seat?

A friend tells you he is feeling depressed and hasn't been exercising because of it. What type of influence is driving his behavior?

2-beat cueing is best represented by which of the following?

Which of the following is the best cue for proper alignment in the lower body to ensure knee safety?

While instructing a class, you notice a participant who has a predominantly forward head and rounded shoulders. Which of the following is the postural distortion pattern you have observed?

Monitoring participant intensity is most important during which component of a group workout?

Rather than "don't let your shoulders rise up," an instructor focusing on inclusive and participant-centered teaching could say which of the following?

Which of the following is an example of an instructor owning their message?

Eliminating boredom with a wide range of experiences is best represented by which method for fostering engagement?

In the action stage of the Transtheoretical Model, individuals make specific, overt modifications in their lifestyle within what timeframe?

When it relates to effective cueing, why is it a good idea to start an exercise with the least challenging version?

Which of the following types of music is best for motivating participants to rise to a challenge?

Which of the following is a common sign of dehydration?

Which of the following best describes scope of practice?

How should lyrical songs best be used in the fitness classroom?

Of the following questions, which would best be asked after class has ended?

Which of the following is the reason why fitness music companies are able to provide the most efficient access to legal music for instructors and facilities?

Which of the following refers to a benefit statement or philosophy related to fitness?

What type of liability insurance is recommended for all instructors?

Which of the following best describes the philosophy regarding shouting cues throughout class?

What effect does the hormone relaxin have on women who are pregnant?

Which of the following is the average daily calories per day upon which the "Daily Value" on a food label is based? and Which of the following represents the recommended average daily nutrient intake level, based on observed approximations or estimates of nutrient intake assumed to be sufficient for a group of healthy people?

Which of the following is a muscle that is commonly underactive in the LPHC?

Which of the following is true of the right ventricle?

Which of the following is a characteristic of synovial joints?

Which of the following refers to a position away from the center of the body or the point of reference?

Which of the following is a movement in the transverse plane?

Which of the following best describes the classifications for obesity?

pacemaker of the heart


eccentric movement

In order to create physiological changes, an exercise stimulus must be applied in which of the following ways?

Resistance training protocols best leads to muscular hypertrophy

functional unit of the nervous system

A person affected by the hormone relaxin should avoid what type of exercise? and when is a person considered obese

Where is the sternum in relation to the shoulder?

Which of the following is true of the Golgi tendon organ when excited?

Which of the following participants may need to begin an exercise program with five minute sessions ?

Which of the following is defined as the cumulative sensory input to the central nervous system from all mechanoreceptors that sense position and limb movements?

Macronutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, and which of the following?

Which of the following best describes the muscle action for muscles of the movement system during bracing?

Cardio should be the primary mode of exercise for which of the following participants?

A participant in your class exhibits dyspnea. What is the best recommendation for this participant?

a set in a training program

What is made up of the upper and lower extremities as well as the shoulder and pelvic girdles and encompasses approximately 126 bones?

Which of the following are sensitive to change in tension of muscle and the rate of that change?

What is a specialized area of cardiac tissue, located in the right atrium of the heart, which initiates the electrical impulses that determine the heart rate?

Which of the following simultaneously work together to provide the body with adequate oxygen and nutrients while removing waste products from the cells in the body?

Which of the following refers to the weight and movements placed on the body?

characteristics of movement prep

highest volume music can play safely and Which of the following is a physiological or psychological benefit that music brings to the participant?

Which of the following are the milestones that lead up to and support the overall class goal?

The Transtheoretical Model asserts people progress through stages of change in what type of pattern?

When performing the army crawl, what kinetic chain checkpoint commonly needs correction?

Group strength classes offer participants the opportunity to increase muscular strength using which of the following?

Which type of music makes it easier to track repetitions, time, match choreography, and create patterns that resonate both physically and emotionally with participants?

Which of the following is an example of a proprioceptive progression for a base of support?

What is the proper proprioceptive regression for a bodyweight squat on a BOSU ball?

Which of the following is a benefit of movement prep?

Which class format alternates extremely intense periods with moderate-to-low intensity recovery periods?

An instructor has been teaching the same format in the same time slot for several years. In the past few months, he has found it hard to get motivated to teach, and class numbers have declined. After thinking about it, he decides to attend a workshop on a new format and asks for a meeting with his supervisor to discuss changing the class. Which of the following does this scenario represent?

Which of the following is true of movement preparation?

Which of the following is appropriate BPM range for a resistance training class?

Instructors can use 32-count phrasing to track time and reps during class. At 128 BPM, how many seconds will a single 32-count phrase take to complete?

Which of the following strength exercises is inappropriate for a person with hypertension?

Unstable hips is a common form mistake for which of the following cycle positions?

Which of the following is the most appropriate music BPM for a boot camp class?

Which is an appropriate BPM range for a HIIT class?

Which of the following is the most appropriate cue to correct a participant performing a single-leg squat?

Which of the following represents the ability of a Group Fitness Instructor to create a seamless experience from start to finish?

Which of the following is an example of a visual cue?

The Transtheoretical Model asserts people progress through stages of change in what type of pattern?

When dealing with chronic conditions in the group fitness setting, which of the following is most important for the Group Fitness Instructor to do?

"Bend forward at the hips" is an appropriate cue for which of the following strength exercises?

One of the most consistent findings with regard to exercise behavior is the positive relationship between self-confidence and which of the following?

Which of the following is the best cue for helping participants self-monitor intensity?

In order to facilitate supportive communication, Group Fitness Instructors can implement which of the following approaches into their teaching style?

A static postural observation could assess an individual's posture from which of the following positions?

Which of the following best describes the proper form and technique for a squat?

While preparing to teach a strength training class, a new participant approaches you and says they are undergoing cardiac rehabilitation due to a recent heart attack. What should you do to ensure the safety of this participant?

Which of the following is an appropriate exercise guideline for a participant who has had a stroke?

Which of the following is an appropriate lifting intensity range for a participant who has just had a baby?

Which of the following is a stage of the Transtheoretical Model?

Which of the following self-monitoring techniques uses a subjective scale to represent how a participant perceives effort in terms of breathing?

Which technique reinforces an unlikely behavior with a likely one?

Which of the following equations represents the heart rate reserve (HRR)?

Which of the following is the most effective way to offer guidance for specific movements?

If an instructor suspects a participant may be suffering from dehydration, the instructor should seek help immediately if the participant shows which of the following signs?

Which of the following is a clear sign a participant is overexerting themselves?

Which of the following is an effect of dehydration?

After class, a participant approaches you and tells you about a sensitive and personal family situation. What is your responsibility in this situation?

Which of the following is a standard for enacting a successful social media campaign?

Which of the following are the best ways for Group Fitness Instructors to demonstrate value?

Which of the following is the best option for obtaining continuing education credits and making an instructor more versatile?

Which of the following is a physical sign that a participant may be in need of extra cueing?

Which of the following is an example of professional behavior?

Sagital plane movements

frontal plane

transverse plane

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