Oxygen is transferred from mom to fetus via the placenta through? - Passive (Simple) Diffusion
Intervillous space perfusion is dependent on? - Adequate Uterine Blood Flow
Maternal Fetal Exchange is best promoted by which maternal position? - Either Rt or Lt Lateral
What is transfer down the concentration gradient from higher to lower called? - Diffusion
The most likely physical rationale for recurrent late decels after epidural is? - Maternal Sympathetic
Which FHR pattern would be anticipated when monitoring mono-mono twins? - Variable Decels
Fetus can survive in an environment w/ a PO2 equal to adult venous blood d/t? - increased O2
carrying capacity
Variable decels are mediated primarily by? - baroreceptors
The sympathetic branch of the ANS influences FHR to? - increase
the average difference in baseline FHR b/w 30 & 40 weeks is? - 10bpm
usually 5-6; 10 is closest
Fetal blood is most highly oxygenated in the? - Ductus Venosous
An abrupt rise in fetal bp can stimulate? - variable decels
During an acute episode of fetal hypoxemia, fetal blood flow is redistributed primarily to the? -
Over the course of pregnancy, the FHR baseline? - decreases
FHR variability is dependent upon? - cerebral oxygen and intact CNS
chemoreceptors respond mainly to? - hypoxemia
pH: 7.22
pCO2: 50
HCO3: 24
BE: -3 - normal acid-base status
(if pH is normal, answer is normal)
Fetal respiratory academia is indicated by a pH of 7.04 and a PCO2 of? - >60
pH: 6.98
PCO2: 49
HCO3: 16
BE:-16 - metabolic acidemia
pH: 7.04
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