1. Symptomatic bradycardia treatment? -ANS ATROPINE 2. Hypertensive crisis nursing priority assessment? -ANS LOC 3. Hypertensive crisis treatment? -ANS - IV NITRATES - ANTIHYPERTENSIVES 4. Hypertensive crisis treatment medications? -ANS - NITROPRUSSIDE, LABETALOL, NICARDIPINE 5. Client with CAD; rhythm strip showing a second-degree AV block, type 1. What should the nurse do first? -ANS - MEASURE VITAL SIGNS 6. AV block can be associated with what? -ANS - MI - MEDICATIONS (Beta blockers, Digoxin) 7. Acute aortic dissection; priority prior to surgery? -ANS - ADMINISTER IV LABETALOL (to maintain BP within normal ranges) 8. Signs and symptoms of hypovolemia? -ANS - TACHYCARDIA - HYPOTENSION 9. Hypovolemic shock? -ANS NARROWING PULSE PRESSURE 10. Signs of adequate rehydration? -ANS - CAP REFILL LESS THAN 3 SECONDS - URINE OUTPUT >30ML/HR - NORMAL SPECIFIC GRAVITY (1.003-1.030) 11. What can occur 24-72 hours after extensive abdominal surgery? -ANS THIRD SPACING OF FLUIDS 12. What age group should be able to first eat with a spoon? -ANS TODDLER (by 18 months) 13. Client with sepsis and AFR. The adverse effect of PPV? -ANS HYPOTENSION 14. Neutrophil count -ANS 2200-7700 15. (< 500 xss=removed>
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