Which one is used to kill bacteria by boiling? - ANSWER- Sterilization
(and pasteurization is heating and then immediately cooling)
When we store food that contains spores of bacteria, the spores: -
ANSWER- Have no significant change
Which one is the most common cause of food borne illness/outbreak? -
ANSWER- Salmonella
Salmonella is a: - ANSWER- Bacteria
How can we control S. Enteritis (gastroenteritis) associated with eggs? -
ANSWER- Store and transport the eggs under refrigeration at an
ambient air temperature of no more than 45 degrees
In daycare center patrons, what is a common problem? - ANSWERFood poisoning
The Fourth Amendment covers: - ANSWER- Unreasonable/illegal
search and seizure
Which is the best place to store shellfish in a walk in refrigerator? -
ANSWER- Far from the entrance door (on a lower shelf)
Which is not allowed in a school kitchen? - ANSWER- Sanitizing towel
Which one is not a recommended dishwashing detergent? - ANSWERPhenol
What body part is the most likely to transmit disease? - ANSWERHands
What is a good indicator for good frozen foods? - ANSWER- Tightened
water and air (no crystallization)
Which organism can be a test for the efficiency of canned foods? -
ANSWER- Clostridium botulinum
What information is protected by HIPAA? (Health Insurance Portability
& Accountability Act) - ANSWER- Personal Medical Data
What does negative phosphatase mean? (negative enzyme test) -
ANSWER- Proper pasteurization
Egg heating? - ANSWER- 145 (beef and fish too)
When inspecting fresh fish, look for: - ANSWER- Red gills
In fried frozen chicken the critical point in HACCP principle is? -
ANSWER- Temperature to heat internally to 165 degrees
In the disposal of waste from a poultry processing unit the expected
disease is: - ANSWER- Salmonella
Who is authorized to regulate FIFRA (Federal Insecticide Fungicide and
Rodenticide Act)? - ANSWER- EPA
HACCP is mainly designed for? - ANSWER- All foods (but Salvato
says the primary foods are those dealing with beef and chicken).
Which is the most common roach species in the kitchen and table area? -
ANSWER- German Cockroach
What is the most common contributing factor to foodborne illness? -
ANSWER- Improper holding temperatures
Which food does not require refrigeration at 41degrees? - ANSWERUltra-pasteurized creamers
What is the maximum accumulated time that potentially hazardous food
can safely be exposed to the temperature danger zone? - ANSWER- 4
Unpasteurized eggs not intended for immediate service should be
cooked at? - ANSWER- 155 degrees for 15 seconds
What is the most important rule of food storage? - ANSWER- Follow
the "First In, First Out" rule
Shellfish tags should be kept for how many days after the container is
empty? - ANSWER- 90 days
What is the appropriate procedure for bottle washing in a large plant? -
ANSWER- Wash, rinse, sanitize (and air dry) (NOTE: for hand washing
dishes it is the same, except add "scrape" to the beginning.)
What is the minimum recommended space of Beach area per person? -
ANSWER- 50 sq ft
Skin irritation can be caused by prolonged exposure to water with a pH
of ? - ANSWER- Below 7.4 or 7.0 (eye irritation is prolonged exposure
to 7.4 and below as well)
The filter in a swimming pool should run for how long? - ANSWERContinuously
At what time interval should water in a spa, whirlpool or hot tub
recirculate? - ANSWER- Entire body of water should recirculate in 30
minutes (30 minute turnover rate)
In a recreational area with gender bathrooms, what is the ratio of toilets
per person? - ANSWER- 200 per person
A public park owner refuses to repair a sewage leak. What should the
sanitarian do? - ANSWER- File an injunction/summary statement
If 100 people are attacked by a new disease of the total population of
70,000, the attack rate per person is? - ANSWER- Prevalence Rate (# of
people with the disease/total #of people in the population) x100
Incidence rate = (# of new cases of the disease/# of persons at risk) X
100---would be the same %
Spa and hot tub maximum temperature is? - ANSWER- 104 degrees
A pool filtration system should filter the entire volume of water in the
pool every? - ANSWER- 6-8 hours
Cyanuric acid additive is used in pools and spas to: - ANSWERStabilizes the residual chlorine level.
The addition of sodium bicarbonate is usually used to? - ANSWERRaise the alkalinity (raise the pH).
What is a chemical that is commonly used to improve pool water
clarity? - ANSWER- Alum (aluminum sulfate)
the best control of swimmer's itch (which is caused by a protozoa) at a
bathing beach is to? - ANSWER- Add copper sulfate
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