When was the Health Information and Accountability Act (HIPAA) created? - answer1996
What are Medical Ethics? - answerStandards of conduct based on moral principals.
What are the two provisions of HIPPA? - answer1. Insurance Reform
2. Administrative Simplification
What is the False Claims Act (FCA) - answerA Federal law that prohibits submitting a false claim or
making a false statement or representation in connection with a claim.
What is the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI)? - answerInitiative developed by CMS to promote
national correct coding methods and control improper coding that leads to wrong payments of Part B
health claims.
What are the two types of edits that the NCCI implements? - answer1. Column 1/ Column 2; identified
unbundled codes.
2. Mutually Exclusive Edits: Codes that are unlikely to be performed on the same patient in the same day.
Who investigates and prosecutes Health Care fraud? - answerOffice of Inspector General (OIG)
When can a provider share PHI without specific permission from the patient? - answer1. For treatment
(discussing the case with another professional)
2.Payment (When providers submit claims on the patient's behalf).
3. Operations: Staff training and Quality Improvement.
What is Employer Liability? - answerPhysicians are legally responsible for their actions and their
employee's actions. a.k.a Respondant Superior. (Let the master answer.)
What is Employee Liability Insurance? - answerProtection against loss of money caused by failure
through error or unintentional omission of the individual or service submitting the claim.
What is in a Medical Record? - answer-Social and Medical History
-Family History
-Physical Exam Findings
-Progress Notes
-Lab/Rad Results
-Consultation Reports
-Correspondence to the patient
When billing an insurance company, what information must be included? - answer-Date of Service (DOS)
-Place of Service (POS)
-Type of Service (TOS)
How long should Medical Records be retained? - answerGoverned by State and Local laws; should be
retained indefinitely. For deceased patients, they should be kept at least 5 years.
-algia - answerPain
-emia - answerBlood Condition
-itis - answerInflammation
-megaly - answer-Enlargement
-meter - answerMeasure
-oma - answerMass
-osis - answerAbnormal condition
-pathy - answerDisease Condition
-rrhagia - answerBursting forth blood
-rrhea - answerDischarge, Flow
-sclerosis - answerHardening
-scopy - answerTo view
-centisis - answerSurgical Puncture
-ectomy - answerRemoval, Excision, Resection
-gram - answerRecord
-lysis - answerSeparation, Breakdown
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