Surety - ANSWER a pledge or guarantee by an insurance company, bank,
individual or corporation on behalf of a bidder or offeror which protects against
default or failure of the principal to satisfy the contractual obligations.
accountability - ANSWER The principle that employees who accept an
assignment and the authority to carry it out are answerable to a superior or a
higher authority for the outcome.
acceptance - ANSWER 1. Indication that an offeree is bound by the terms of the
2. An indication by one party of a willingness to act in accordance with the contract
or offer.
3. The assumption of a legal obligation by a party to contract to the terms and
conditions of that contract.
4. The act of receiving by an authorized representative with the intention or
competitive sealed bidding - ANSWER Preferred method for acquiring goods,
services and construction for public use in which award is made to the lowest
responsive and responsible bidder, based solely on the response to the criteria set
forth in the invitation for bud; does not include discussions or negotiations with
force majeure - ANSWER Unexpected or uncontrollable events including those
caused by nature that can impact the contract price, terms and conditions. these
events are not due to contractor negligence and may excuse contractor
performance during the events and under certain conditions caused by them. Acts
of God or disruptive conditions for which a contractor or carrier will not be held
specification - ANSWER A precise description of he physical or functional
characteristics of a product, good or construction item. A description of goods
and/or services. A description of what the purchaser seeks to buy and what a
bidder must be responsive to in order to be considered for award of a contract.
Specifications generally fall under the following categories: design, performance,
combination (design and performance), brand name or approved equal, qual
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