1. This area is the most common site for epistaxis to occur – Kiesselbach’s plexus
2. This class of medication binds to specific receptors on beta cells in the pancreas
to stimulate the release of insulin – Sulfonylureas and Meglitinides
3. This acute situation in a patient with uncontrolled hyperthyroidism is usually
precipitated by infection or surgery. It is life threatening because of the resulting
hyperthermia, tachycardia, and heart failure and delirium. Thyrotoxicosis
4. These are chemical messengers that may be classified by action, source, or
chemical structure. Hormones
5. These two body systems work together to regulate metabolic activities. Endocrine
and Neuro
6. A harmless microbe that is normally resident in the intestine. E-coli
7. This is the mechanism of action of tamsulosin when treating benign prostatic
hypertrophy. Alpha 1 blocker – bladder relaxation
8. This condition is concerning in a client who has had pyelonephritis and
subsequent scarring – chronic renal failure
9. This is indicative of the leakage of albumin into the filtrate due to inflammation
and increased capillary permeability
APSGN – acute post-streptococcal GN
10.This lab results indicates a failure to excrete nitrogen wastes due
to decreased GFR – BUN and Serum Creatinine
11. Most common cause of hyperaldosteronism?
Noncancerous (benign) tumor of the adrenal gland
12.This class of medication reduces the amount of stomach acid produced in the
lining of the stomach - PPIs
13.This is a key difference between ST elevation myocardial infarction and non-ST
elevation myocardial infarction – ST elevation, complete/prolonged occlusion of
coronary arteries
14.In a person with ankylosing spondylitis, the most pain is typically experienced in
this position
15.This test is used to identify a definitive cause of bursitis? Physical exam
16.This joint is a common site for the swan neck deformities in a client with
rheumatoid arthritis – proximal interphalangeal joint
17.This medication selectively blocks the effects of abnormal glutamate release –
NMDA Memantine
18.This disorder/disease results from a benign pituitary adenoma secreting excess
adrenocorticotropic (ACTH). The high levels of ACTH in turn causes increased
production of cortisol from the adrenal cortex. – Cushing Syndrome
19.This salivary gland is in the cheeks in front of the ear and secretes saliva through
the Stensen's ducts - Parotid
20.This involves the transfer of gases between air-filled spaces in the lungs and blood
Diffusion / Gas Exchange
21.Statins reduce inflammation, modify composition, and promote stabilization of ___
within the vessel wall – plaque stabilization
22.This medication class is contraindicated in heart failure due to risk of fluid
retention - CCB
23.This bacteria category is most commonly associated with Urinary tract
infections -
E-coli (gram negative) produces nitrites in urine
Urine WBC 95% sensitivity
Urine L
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